The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, December 9, 2005

Belly Heavy

I am finally starting to show and I guess I am one of those women that likes to show it off. It could have been going back for seconds at Thanksgiving or that the baby has finally decided to grow. Happy days are here again because I'm not sick anymore.
Hopefully Jer is feeling better as well. We both had an interesting time in Florida battling the nausea and finding any food that seemed remotely appetizing while Chase and Chris ran the Ironman.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Chase and I invited a bunch of people from our ward to come over including the missionaries. It was a blast! All the girls spent the whole day cooking while their hard working husbands watched the Broncos defeat the Cowboys... Broncos.. Broncos...Broncos!!!

We are grateful for many things this year. We have each other, a little healthy Zygote, and Chase fond a job! Cate made the proposal that we finish the Book of Mormon by the end of the year and Chase and I were still in 1 Nephi. We rallied and we are almost done with Alma after having to read about 10 pages a day. We didn't want to be the only Cannon's not participating. We have already seen the blessings come. Chase got a job yesterday clerking for a law firm pretty close to our apartment and I have finally found permanent work as well. Hooray!!!

Speaking of protruding bellies, we find out soon what we will be having. I actually really want a girl and I know I will be a tad bit sad to find I am having a boy but he'll be the coolest boy ever!!! Chase thinks there is a boy in there because only a triathlete (like him) could survive the birth control. I find out in ten days and I can hardly wait. I did some old wive tale tricks and they say I am having a girl. If you hold a necklace with a heavy metal object on the end above you belly button as you lay down and it stars to make clockwise motion, you are having a girl. If it goes counterclockwise, you are having a boy. Mine went clockwise. It's all very fun, but my doctor laughed at me when I told her my tricks. I would KILL to find out what I am having right now. Patience, patience. I want to start shopping!!! (Forget that we are dirt poor for just a second:-) Gotta love being in law school and prego all at the same time!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Greetings from San Diego

Chase and I have moved from one paradise to another. It was sad leaving Huntington Beach. We surfed almost every night. Took walks on the beach, went to the parades and pretty much had an extended honeymoon in our little PCH shack.
Good times. Chase was accepted to law school in Syracuse, Washington and San Diego. We weren't willing to give up the sun quite yet so we chose San Diego. It's pretty much awesome but we don't live on the beach anymore and that's kind of a drag.
I will miss the sunsets, Main Street, Wahoos, Sugar Shack, and the beach!! I won't miss the Harley Davidson's, drunk guys all around us, not being able to park in front of my house, the ants and sand in our house, and not having appliances (dishwasher, washer and dryer). It's been a fun four months!!

Chase and I are very happy down here in San Diego. However, the job search has been quite a challenge. Maybe I am just too picky, but I haven't been able to enjoy any position I've applied for. I've gone from marketing, to editing, to being a loan officer and today I had enough of trying to help people that don't really need to re-finance their home. Anywho, I start a new search tomorrow and am excited to see what happens next. It's been quite an adventure already.

I transferred from the Williams Sonoma at South Town Plaza to the one here in Fashion Valley. As for the Williams Sonoma down here it's really different. It's a much smaller store and the people aren't as friendly. I work from time to time but have told the manager that I need to find a full time job. The woman in charge of visuals here is so weird. I don't think she knew I was coming because when I arrived for my first day of work, she seemed really threatened and has been defensive ever since. Stephanie had a much different way of doing visuals and I learned her way and I like her way. So I do the visuals the way I was trained to do so at South Coast. The lady here goes back and changes everything I do. We don't have pictures for all of our features so we have to be creative. I guess she just doesn't like my creativity.

Now, I am usually not one for revenge but I was a little offended and still stand firm in that I was doing as I was trained to do in a much larger and higher volume store. So when Diana does a feature I go back and change it to the way Stephanie would like it. I chuckle when I think of her face when she discovers my magic. I know, it's not a very christian thing to do, but I couldn't help myself. I just hate to think that the company is paying us to do each feature twice. What a waste of time!!

Anywho, the most shocking news I have is that Chase and I just found out on Labor Day that I am pregnant!!! I shock to us all. Warning, birth control doesn't always work. Use it religiously when you get married but I can't guarantee anything. I happen to be in the 1% that can get pregnant on birth control. 99% effective my eye. Well, we are actually really really excited. I just can't believe it. When we first found out I cried for about a week. I was wanting to wait another three years until Chase graduated from Law School. It just wasn't part of the plan. However, I had my first doctor's appointment today and after hearing the heartbeat and seeing the peanut size fetus living inside me, I wept and repented for not being more grateful for such a heavenly gift. We are now very excited but still a little worried about how I am going to provide for our family while Chase is in school. I guess we'll just have to really take advantage of student loans. It's going to be great. My Dad always said that if you don't have challenges, then you aren't growing. So we are taking this experience as one of life's lessons.

I haven't even finished writing my thank you letters for the wedding. I hate these things so badly right now I want to spit on them. Luckily Chase and I know each other so well that this will not interfere with our "getting to know you" stage of marriage. I have thought about it a lot. I don't really want to be a old mom anyway, so it's about time. Like I said before, we just weren't expecting this. I had an ultrasound the other day and heard the little peanut's heartbeat again. I of course wept all over the place.

I already love the little guy/girl so much I can hardly stand it. I don't however love how sick the little one is making me. It is so bad. I am losing a ton of weight because nothing is appetizing to me. Even Cosi bread sounds disgusting. It is the weirdest thing. I have to force feed myself and it's not pretty. Sometimes I dry heave. I would love any advice on how to battle off morning sickness. My doctor says it's a good sign that I am so sick because that means the baby is healthy and doing well. AHHHH!!! I can't believe I'm pregnant.

Despite the fact that I am hardly the woman Chase married 6 months ago (more like a sickly, crazy, emotional lunatic), Chase and I are actually really excited and thrilled that we are going to be parents. Hopefully I can hold out as long as possible so Chase can take his finals at the beginning of May. I am due May 6th. Great time to be pregnant I must say. I haven't overheated yet and San Diego is so pleasant all of the time. I'll let you know ASAP when I find out what I am having. I hope it's a girl because Emily can send me all of Ruby's hand me downs. We are dirt poor so we'll take anything at this point:-) Here's to Zygote #1. That's what we've named it:-)