The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Winter Picnics

If someone would have told me we could wear short sleeves and be outside in January, I would have moved here a long time ago. There's a funny saying here in Texas that goes a little like this:
"I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as soon as I could." I quite agree.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Curse you FIRE ANTS!!

I have to admit I was watching Jack ONE time when he got a couple of fire ant bites, but these babies were under dad's watch (that's usually when the children get injured:-). Most places around here spray for fire ants so we are safe at parks and most public places, but out of the three times he's been bitten two have been at the ward building. I guess they don't spray the parking lots. Poor little Jack. I feel even worse for him when his mean Mom pops the bites. I just can't help myself. Is there a name for a person who loves to pop zits and ingrown hairs even if it inflicts pain? An "Abbyite?" That sounds about right.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sadie's little pals

Even if Sadie has voiced concern over missing her friends in Virginia and Lizzy in Utah, she can't deny there are some pretty awesome ones here. We love all of Sadie's little buddies around here. Her CTR 4 class has 18 kids. The boys are "unplayable" of course, but that still leaves quite a few southern belles for Sadie lady.
I love listening to them in their imaginative voices when they have tea parties on the deck outside. I keep thinking they're calling me when they say "mom" but they're just taking turns being the mom and daughter. Here's their latest dialogue:
"Can I have a sleepover Mom", "not tonight Honey."
"mom, come quick I'm turning into a mermaid." "oh daughter, I'm changing into a mermaid too."
"Mother, I've lost my glass slipper." "oh no, where could it be?"
These phrases are all in high pitched tones because everyone knows that's what moms sound like.

Snow? We don't need no stinkin' snow!

Even though Mom and Dad are in heaven with this fantastic weather in Texas, Sadie has voiced some complaints. She talks often of making snow angels, and snow men outside. She wants to go sledding and play with Lilly in Virginia or Lizzie in Utah. I wish I could get her to appreciate how incredible it is to wear flip flops in January but Sadie is every bit as nostalgic as her mother. I too miss the snow (sometimes) but after hearing about Utah's red day inversion, I am happy to be where I am.
Cotton balls make great snow for the ponies to play in and we even found some old supplies I used in Virginia to make snowmen with Sadie's joy school. It's not snow, but it's the best we can do these days.

Sliding into 2011

2010 was full of change, the biggest being our move to Texas. We were hit with one last change before the new year began being the passing of our dear Grandma Beth. She passed away the 28th and with the funeral being on new years eve, it was inevitable that I would be spending the holiday solo (with exception to the two midgets I tote around). Chase flew to Utah Friday morning and returned home Saturday evening. The only entertainment left for me?...Sadie and Jack.
We were fortunate to have a beautiful day so we headed down to Central Market to feed the ducks and throw rocks in the water. We also had the splendid idea to get cafeteria trays and slide down the hill. The idea soon caught on and other children joined us. Sadie has been complaining lately of Texas' lack of snow. She was pretty excited to find you can still sled in Texas as long as you have a tray.
Even though Jack is grumpier than ever and won't eat ANYTHING, we managed to get a smile on his face once he saw the pond and rocks. The ducks had obviously been fed because they were lounging in grass surrounded by bread crumbs. They weren't baited by our offerings.

Jack even decided it would be fun to slide down the hill on his tray. If I put him on the tray he strongly protested but then giggled as he flew down the hill.

I managed to get a cheese stick in Jack's system and was pleased as punch. I don't know if he's gotten picky or if his teeth are hurting, but I can only get him to eat his oatmeal in the morning. I've offered even the tastiest stuff, like chocolate milk, and he still refuses. I guess being outside on a picnic blanket distracted him enough to eat something for a change.
When we got home, we put "Grumpy Gills" to sleep and set about washing the car. After a few weeks my car starts to look like a storage unit/dump. Seeing that it was such a nice day we got in our flip flops and swimsuits and hosed her down. I had so much stuff in there I filled 5 recyclable bags to bring inside.
I love getting out the vacuum and cleaning out the car seats, crumbs, and foot prints on the back of the seats. After it was all clean we were wet and sweaty, but I felt like a new woman. To top it off we arranged the garage as well.
That night my cute neighbor (Ginger,you better be southern with a name like that:-) invited us over for a wild New Year's party. The kids ran around in the back yard, grumpy Jack occupied my lap and fed me carrots, and everyone else got loopier and loopier from their drinks. When Sadie's nose turned red we decided it was time to head home. I put the kids down, watched a chick flick, and went to bed at 10:30! I am so lame but I knew I would need my energy the next day if I had to tackle the kids on my own.

Chase had such a great time with all of his siblings. He said the funeral was amazing and so fun to hear all the stories about his Grandma. It really is a unique situation to have all your siblings around with no children and no spouses. I was jealous of his family time. I would love to head down to Zions and go backpacking with the Etherington clan. Hopefully it won't take a funeral to make it happen:-)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Another beautiful day too amazing to stay inside! Chase had a half day at work so we headed down south to Wimberly to experience antiquing at it's best. The lack of a particular blue pacifier made for a long hour drive. We even pulled over at a local grocery store to buy some new ones but Jack has become quite attached to his "bibi" and shoved the new ones away.

The trip inside the store wasn't totally in vain. I saw a woman wearing cowboy boot galoshes, and an old man with the gnarliest get up I ever did see. He had on a pink floral shirt tucked into brown pants cinched high with a belt. With the white cowboy hat and boots to complete his getup I was sorely wishing my camera had accompanied me inside. It made me smile to see him and all the other folks hanging about.
I love small towns. I love going into their little shops to find the perfect treasures. I found some twin beds that I totally fell in love with and Sadie found a miniature glass unicorn...of course. Jack never quite recovered from the drive down and the fact that we forgot his pacifier. I failed to mention that he didn't wake up for the day until 1 p.m!! He got some vaccinations the day before and with his new teeth coming in, he was super groggy and angry the entire evening. It wasn't until we finally sat down to eat dinner and let him dip his own sweet potato fries in the ketchup that he smiled a little. We also had our first (and last) taste of fried pickles.

Now just because I don't want an animal of my own doesn't mean I can't drool over a squishy, furry little blob of a cat dozing on a bench. I was quite taken with this cat and told Chase he needed a home. Chase wasn't fooled.
On the way out of town, we went to the Trail of Lights where they have 8 acres of land totally adorned in Christmas lights. They had local artists singing carols, hot chocolate, and even Cinderella's carriage all lit up for Sadie's pure enjoyment. I love how festive everyone is around here.

The drive home was equally as eye opening for little Jack and quite the opposite for little Sadie. Jack couldn't decide if he wanted the new pacifier or not and went from loopy to whiny the whole way home. I don't know how Sadie slept through it all, but she did.

We're hoping for better days with our little Jack. We realized after he refused to eat a chocolate peanut butter cup that there was nothing we could do to alleviate his grumpiness. I remember Sadie going through the same thing when she had her molars coming in. Not fun for anyone involved.

It was however, a fun little excursion and we can't wait to go back when they have their butterfly festival in April.

P.S. Clifford has a new side kick in the form of a stuffed pony named Acornia. A Christmas gift from Pops and CC and at her side 24/7. I think Clifford is jealous.