The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, February 18, 2011

The "Hampry"

Sadie calls the pantry "the hampry" and we're the kind of parents that don't teach them the right way to say something because we think it's cute. When Sadie stopped calling water "wah wah" it was a grave day indeed. I guess we want them to stay little forever.

The hampry happens to be Jack's favorite place to hang out. There are cookies in there for Pete's sake!! After dinner we'll ask the kids if they want one and Jack will say over and over again (very enthusiastically I might add), "YA, YA, YA."

It's also where the Gummy Vitamins are stored and that makes it even more of a magical retreat. He'll look up at me after he's already had his dose for the day and say "a beh, a beh" in high hopes that his cuteness and charm will get him another one. Usually I'm pretty firm in my answer but some days I can't say no to his little smile and excitement. What happens when your kids eat too many vitamins? I like to think they'll become bionic heroes or WAY smarter than the other kids, but Chase says your body just pees out the vitamins it doesn't need. He's boring:-)

When it's quiet we turn around and notice that Jack's just hanging out in there. It's a pretty fun place for a one year old.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Step aside Hallmark!

My sisters and I have always had the tradition to make cards for our loved ones. We eagerly awaited the grand viewing of Jane's cards at each individual birthday dinner. They were always so cute, creative and memorable. Since this tradition kicked off I have carried it on in my marriage and now family (what have I started!!!) where I make a little valentine for my Chase and kiddos every year. The cheesier the better and I have REALLY hammed it up over the years. I won't post pictures of all the ones we've done in the past but I do display them on the mantel or around the house when v-day is around the corner.
So if you are just DYING to see our fancy artwork, come over and I'll show you my favorites. Probably the funniest one that should be mentioned was last years Valentine from Chase amidst the bar exam and him having absolutely ZERO time to make me a valentine. He simply got red paper, put a couple brown pieces inside and wrote..."the bar may stink like poo, but I still love you." Knowing how hard he was studying and the effort (little it may be) he put into the card, it still goes down as one of my favorites.
As soon as we threw the January calender away and put the pink February one up on the fridge, Sadie couldn't wait to start making Valentines. We made ours the first day of the month and the next 14 days of having to wait to give Dad his valentine were absolutely torturous for her.

This year I was going to put candy all over a Valentine and tell Chase that he's "yummy" or "sweet" but they ended up weighing too much and I didn't like the look of it. Sadie stole my idea instead and ate about a bag of heart gobstoppers in between. With out any help she attempted to spell "valentine" on her cards but ended up with "valt" which is close enough.
I felt bad staying inside all day to cut, glue and paste because it was such a beautiful day outside. However, spending that time with my little lady was so fun. We just talked and ate candy and had a little "ladies day in."
Chase's valentine ended up REALLY froofy but like I said, the cheesier, bolder and brighter, the better. I still went with the "your yummy" theme after consulting Lizzie over the phone. We both decided "you're sweet" isn't cheesy enough.
Jack's was probably my favorite this year. I was originally going to get gumballs and put them all over a heart because the kid loves basketballs so much, but again the weight issue was annoying me. So instead I went with buttons. My mom and I share a fetish for buttons. I remember scaling the walls of fabric stores in New York(probably Mood) for the cutest buttons. Apparently being buyers for the store didn't stop at the convention center. My mom has by far the best button collection EVER so I think she would appreciate this valentine I made for my little Jack.
When asked in primary what she would give God as a Christmas present Sadie told them she would give him a diamond. The kid is obsessed with all form of bling. She got a massive pink diamond paper weight for x-mas and totes it around in her bag everywhere. So naturally a diamond studded valentine was in the works for my lady of a Sadie.
However Dad's valentine to her somewhat stole the show because beyond anything, diamonds included, Sadie loves her ponies. Chase spent about two hours cutting and pasting out this Valentine and left it over the fireplace for Sadie to discover the next morning. Sadie came into our room after Chase had gone to work that morning telling me there was a pony valentine up WAY too high for her to see and I had to get out of bed to get it down for her. She was SOOOO excited. She and her dad have such a sweet and special bond.
I loved the card Chase made me this year. Apparently hearts are out and Texas states are in. We always make fun of the song around here "Deep in the Heart of Texas" and mock it all the time whenever we're feeling "western". The other night we took a short scooter ride up to the mailboxes while the kids were asleep and after noticing the bright stars above us Chase started singing "The stars at night..shining bright....Deep in the Heart or Texas" in his most southern "hickest" drawl possible. He always knows how to make me laugh. It's funny enough that we're riding around on a one seater scooter in the middle of the night and another to be singing about the stars. I love my quirky, adorable husband.
Valentines day we had our usual PF Changs (Pei Wei this year)...a tradition amongst my high school friends minus the movie "Bed of Roses" which we also watched every year even though none of us really even like it. The girls had a pact that even if they got asked out on V-day, we spend it with the sistas. It got harder to keep once we all got married so I at least carried on the Chinese food part.
We always have fondue which Sadie looks forward to every day up until V-day. She loves helping me unwrap the Dove chocolates and put them into the crock pot. Jack had his first fondue experience this year and initially was not at all interested. He preferred the blueberries raw at first and then got the hang of it a little later.

I know Valentines day was pretty much invented my Hallmark but I'm glad it was. I think it's the best holiday to show those around you how much you care about them. I love my little family so much.

So even though I told Chase NOT to get me flowers (I'm not a huge fan of roses. I know the cards are cheesy but roses are just over the top). I tell him this every year and every year he gets me more roses. They last only a few days and then droop in yellow water for a while until I remember there are dead flowers on the table that need to be thrown away. I guess he has a point. Every woman should get flowers on v-day. I just need to learn to like roses more.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Extreme weather conditions

It's hard to believe that two days ago we were bundled up and playing in the snow. Texas weather is weird, but we aren't complaining. I keep telling Chase that if family were here, we'd stay forever. However, we still haven't experienced a summer here which I hear can be MISERABLE so maybe I shouldn't speak so soon. I do plan on just leaving for about a month to escape the heat. Weber Canyon is calling my name. I miss my mountains.
Austin has done a pretty good job at impressing us so far. We really like it here. I guess I'm the type of gal who needs a lot of sunshine because this place has me in such a better mood. I love that we go outside every day and that my kids get to run around in fresh air.
Today we should have gone to stake conference which we have since vetoed after our last experience. When you have two kids, you end up sitting in the back with all the other "noisy" families. You can't really see or hear the speakers and two hours of tackling two kids is WAY too long. Besides, our stake center is about 40 minutes away and totally in the ghetto. They have to have men monitor the parking lots to prevent car break ins.
So, ya, we skipped out this time because it was just too beautiful outside. We went down to Town Lake for a long walk around the lake with a beautiful view of the city. We rolled down hills, threw rocks in the water,relaxed in the hammock, chased squirrels, and just enjoyed the perfect breeze and sunshine.

Austin, we love you!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow Hour!

We spent the weekend at the lake, basking in the sun knowing that in a few days a cold front was coming in. We hoped and hoped and our dreams came true. It snowed in Texas!!! It started snowing at about 3 a.m. Friday morning and left about two inches of snow on the streets.
These conditions were way too extreme for our fellow Texans who cancelled school and told everyone to work from home. These guys wouldn't last a day in Utah's winter storms, or Virginia's for that matter. We benefited greatly from their overly cautious lifestyle and had ourselves a three day weekend!
Those two inches of snow created the perfect setting for some hooky bobbin with the scooter and boogie boards. It was VERY cold outside so we bundled up and headed out before the snow would melt (we heard it never lasts longer than a day).
We tried taking Sadie first but Jack felt left out and wanted to ride too. The three of them rode around the cul-de-sac and down the street over and over again until their poor little noses were red and their lips turned blue. There was no complaining when we told them it was time to go inside, and our friends were melted in about three hours. This is my kind of snow storm. It sugar coats everything enough to have a little fun and then melts away before you get sick of it. No gray, slushy snow around these parts.

The best part of the story is the next day we were back at the lake again in our shorts and t-shirts. I love it here!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Baby, it's cold outside

All bundled up and ready to play in the snow.

Wah Wah!!

If Jack hears a faucet turn on at any time he speed walks over, climbs up the stool and helps himself to a sponge bath. He loves water. I've never seen a kid so entertained by this funny clear liquid. If we can't get him to eat some nights, we'll feed him at the sink while he plays with the water. As long as he's turning his hands into raisins, he'll eat ANYTHING! He usually gets water all over the floor and himself, but it never gets him down...literally. We have to pry him off that stool.
He's a handsome little man and I love him to pieces.

Obsessed would be an understatement

Sadie LOVES ponies. She colors at least three pictures a day and hangs them on the refrigerator. She lines up her ponies while she eats breakfast so "they can eat too." She has mentioned that more than anything else in the whole world, she wants a pony of her own.

Whenever she puts on her pink cowboys boots she dances around the kitchen clicking her heels while saying in her most southern drawl "evry cagirl neeeeds a hoarse" which comes out sounding like someone is plugging her nose.

No matter what she was dressed in for school or church, she ALWAYS strips down the second we walk in the door and puts on her twirly skirt, leggings and a colorful shirt. She's Punky Brewster reincarnated. I love her!

Friday, February 4, 2011

We're nearly there...

Ever since we brought Jack home from the hospital it's been a struggle to protect the little guy from his big sister. We've tried over and over again to encourage a bond between them and teach them to establish trust. I feel like after nearly two years Sadie is finally seeing how much fun Jack can really be and Jack is not nearly as terrified of her as he was before.
We've had Sadie be in charge of getting Jack his gummy vitamins (favorite part of the day for both of them). He lets her sing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" with a tickle at the end and I've even witnessed them play in the play room BY THEMSELVES for a full ten minutes. I think if this continues they might actually become friends one day.
Jack loves to do anything Sadie does which puts her in a unique situation. If she hits, he will hit. If she teaches him to hug and share, then he will do the same. I think she likes this power and is finally using it for good. She loves it when Jack will snuggle up to her if he bonks his head. He laughs (and snorts) when Sadie chases him around the living room.
I have seen a significant difference in Sadie's desire to make Jack happy. She tries so hard to share even her most favorite toys and is learning more and more that he DOES NOT like to be picked up. As their mother, nothing makes me happier than to hear them playing peacefully together. Perhaps it's because it makes my job easier, but more so because I just want them to be friends.