The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, July 30, 2009

We miss Daddy

Sadie, Jack and I have had quite a week. Chase headed out Monday to take the California bar exam. He's been studying the entire month of July and even though he was hardly ever available to help with the kids, it was nice knowing he was at least in the same city. We miss him!! I have some serious respect for women who are either single or are pretty much raising their kids on the their own (resident or military wives). I honestly can't imagine having to raise these kids all by myself. This week has actually gone by pretty fast considering the day he left I was already crying my eyes out and had lost my appetite. It was a really weird feeling to be homesick in your my home. Chase makes our house a home and that's probably why I felt so out of place. Today was the first day that Sadie really started to show some irrational behavior. I took her to the park this morning and she wouldn't let me talk to any of the other moms. This is often the only conversation I have with adults the entire day so my talking time is precious. We ended up leaving with Sadie in a fit of rage. As I was feeding her lunch at home I saw her lips curl down and tears well up in her eyes. She said to me..."Mommy, do you know why I am really sad?.......I want my Daddy." I was already pretty mad at her for her previous tantrum but I couldn't neglect her sad little eyes and totally melted. We spent the rest of lunch holding each other and crying because I too "want my daddy." Absence definitely makes the heart grow fonder or break a little in Sadie's case. She and I can't wait until Daddy comes home again.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Photo Shoot

Jack had his first photo shoot with one of my friends from the ward. Alisha takes great pictures!! I am so happy with the way they turned out. Jack was great. He was awake most of the time and when we were finally about to leave, he fell asleep. So, he's dresses in his sleeping pictures. Here are some of my faves. I of course want to frame them all. There's not enough wall space for all these cute pictures. Thanks again Alisha!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


For some weird reason I was always embarrassed to wear sandals in high school because I thought I had ugly feet. It wasn't until I quit ballet and stopped standing on my toes that they finally evened out a bit. Now I think my feet are fantastic!! In fact if my middle toe wasn't so dang long, I could probably be a foot model:-)
Sadie and I took some pics of our feet. Hers are so cute I just want to squeeze them. Look at those tiny, chubby little toes. Looks like she might have inherited my feet. I'm not sure about Jack yet. They're pretty stubby and little at this point. My dad also has fabulous feet. My mom doesn't. Chase does NOT have cute feet but that's ok because every other part of him is adorable. Random post I know but I just couldn't resist my kid's chubby toes. They are too adorable!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Piggy in the puddle

This is what my kid looks like at the end of the day. I always said I'd never let my kid have syrup in her hair, dirt on her face, or boogers coming out of her nose. Of course I said this before I had kids. Now I know that it's inevitable. After the sand box, dirt piles, lollipop in hair, and chocolate ice cream for dessert she was in need of a bar of soap.

New wheels

It's official. We are a family of four and we have the double stroller to prove it. I took the kids on their first walk together the other day. Sadie didn't like the sun shade down but had to compromise so we could keep Jack nice and cool. Of course by the end of the trek she wanted to walk anyway. Maybe I should have just stuck with the single stroller for a while before we bought this one.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Wonder of wonder...miracles..miracles!!

Little man slept through the night last night!! Hip hip hooray. Yippee skippee. 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Of course I was up all night because my body thinks it should be waking up every three hours. Sadie slept through the night on her 6 week birthday and Jack followed suit. Good work kids!!

Happy 4th

When Sadie was an infant we wouldn't have dreamed of going to see fireworks. It would have been too loud!! Well I guess I've cooled off a bit because we took Jack to see his first fireworks along with the Sadie Lady...of course!! She wouldn't stop talking about the fireworks so we couldn't let her down.

We spent the early morning (very early) setting up the breakfast at the ward (activities commitee..whoopee) and then were so worn out that we skipped a friend's BBQ that afternoon. All four of us checked out for a couple of hours. It was an absolute miracle!! We then headed out to Leesburge to hang with the Todds and see some fireworks. Wide eyed Sadie covered her ears and Jack fell asleep. I guess the fireworks weren't too loud afterall.