The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

We made bats this year!! I had a lot of extra time because I decided NOT to make costumes.  I just didn't have it in me!  I did make a cute black spider web doily to go under the pumpkin.  Hooray for being crafty!

Last year I snagged some of the table decorations from the trunk or treat.  They were WAY too cute to throw away.  I was so excited to frame and display our pictures from last year's party.  Macy Robison's photo booth is by far my favorite part of Halloween.  Even though I didn't make costumes, I made sure I was ready for her!  

We were Germans!!  Connie had all these costumes collecting dust in SLC this summer, so we took them home!  The only outfit I needed to put together was mine.  Lederhosen for all!!  The dress they brought home from Germany wouldn't fit a 14 year old!!  That Connie Cannon has very small ribs!Miraculously I had all this in my closet (minus the perfect apron from Julie).
This was my sad attempt at a family photo with my iPhone.   

Thank goodness for MACY!!  I love Sadie's face in this picture.  I also love that we have yet another picture of George hookin' his horns. 

George was such a pill! 

Clearly he did NOT want Sadie to hold his hand or have someone point a lens in his direction.  It's annoying when he's mad but I LOVE his angry faces.  He gives the best stare downs and furrowed brow I ever did see.  So much personality in this little person!

We kicked him out of the rest of the pics.  Look at these two!!  I can't handle their skinny little legs and goofy grins.  The pic below looks like propaganda Hitler would have used to further his crazy cause.  Every time I look at this picture I think of that silly song from the Producers, "Spring time for Hitler and Germany.  Winter for Poland and France."  I wish Adolf could have seen that production.  He probably rolled around in his grave at the thought of him being played by a homosexual director.  Ha ha!! 

I appreciate the fact that I can get Chase to dress up with me.  I think he actually enjoys it!

Lets pause for a moment and look at these little people.  Jack's skinny legs and knee highs are killing me!  All the way down to his ruffled, cow licked hair and skinned knee.  This boy owns my heart! Sadie lady!!  What a treasure.  I love those little braids, freckles, and her one big tooth.  Could her eyes be more beautiful?  I love her so much!!
Thanks again Macy for these beautiful photos.  I meant for them to be funny and they turned out to be keepsakes!

The next night we got a babysitter and headed to the Lunt's for a costume party.  I've been wanting to wear this 80's formal my grandma sewed for herself since Emily brought it to me in St. George.  We needed to get something for Chase so a trip to Goodwill was in order.  We scored!!

Found this wig, Bill Cosby sweater, and acid washed jeans.  Unfortunately (but fortunately) Chase already had these hideous basketball sneakers.  I'm going to go ahead and call them "sneakers" because although they're a year old, they look like something John Stockton would have worn in 1989. Probably why Chase bought them.  He was a total "Chester the Molester" and that became his name for the night. 

Take me away Chester!!

Get down with me on the dance floor Chester!

Go ahead and boogie "MC Hammer" style with that Trojan horse.

How the heck did I find someone so absolutely perfect for me!!  Love my Chester!

Halloween Day was awesome!  Jack got to wear a costume to school and decided to be Batman (not a German....sadly).  We borrowed this one from Melissa Vega and he was thrilled to be his favorite superhero!!

Sadie wasn't allowed to wear a costume but Chester was.  I don't know how anything got done at NFP with Chase dressed like that all day!

The kids were a little bipolar and decided to change their costumes again.  We borrowed the superman costume too so it wasn't any skin off our backs.  Sadie wore the flower girl dress from Sarah and Chad's wedding because it's just too beautiful.  She made the prefect bride!!

We attempted to get George in a bear costume and he had a tidal wave of a tantrum.  He did allow us to dress him in Lederhosen so we went as Germans again.  Our neighbors  LOVED us!! We actually discovered that a lot of our neighbors are from Germany.  Who knew?!

We gathered at the Steiger's for some chowder and cornbread.  We were able to distract the kids long enough that they only went out to trick or treat for about an hour. Less candy is always a good thing.

Sadie and Avery took off with the other neighborhood kids and I didn't see her once we went outside.  It kind of broke my heart that our whole family wasn't together for trick or treating this year.  She's growing up!  STOP!!

Examining the loot afterwards is everyone's favorite part.  George thought it was pretty amazing too.

Eventually George usually ends up naked, especially if he's eating a sticky lollipop and wearing authentic German lederhosen.

Glucklich Halloween!!