The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A promise is a promise

I told many of you that I would post pics of our house and I am finally doing it. For a rental, it's not too shabby:-)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Cat's out of the bag!!

We had a "Turkey" kind of Thanksgiving. In our case three strikes made a Turkey because we had three Thanksgiving dinners. On Wednesday night we headed to the annual Georgetown Thanksgiving dinner which is always surprisingly very good. You would think that when they feed that many people the food wouldn't be that great. Well with a string quartet, a view of the Potomac, and a catered dinner, it's not all that bad. In fact it's quite delicious. Sadie loved dancing to the string quartet and everyone thought she was adorable. She didn't eat anything but the sprinkles on a turkey cookie (with an occasional bite of turkey when she wasn't paying attention). Great night and always fun to see all the other students Chase meets at school.

Our second dinner was at the Ludlow's home. I visit teach Kara but I don't feel like you really get to know someone through those little visits. It was so much fun getting to know her and her family a little better. Sadie turned to me a couple of minutes after we got there and said " Mommy, I'm tired...I want my crib." Well I wasn't about to argue with that so we set up a porta crib upstairs and she slept through the whole dinner allowing Chase and I to relax and enjoy the delicious food. My mom told me that I was like that as a kid. I always put myself to sleep and knew when I was too tired to keep going. I guess Sadie has inherited that lovely trait. I am definitely not complaining.

The next day the entire Cannon family united at the Todd's home out in Landsdown. Several people flew out and it was fun to have everyone there. The boys (plus Reina..Curtis' girlfriend) started the day off with a game of football. The rest of us decided to be lazy while we painted nails and watched movies. This was Sadie's first time ever having her nails painted and she was in heaven. PINK FINGERNAILS!!! AHHHH!! She showed them to everyone. It also didn't take her long to find a Snow White dress that she wore the rest of the day. Once the football teams returned we got dinner on the table and had a fantastic feast. There is nothing more delicious than Thanksgiving dinner so I have been in heaven this last week. Sadie of course told me right before dinner that she was tired and wanted her crib. I love this kid. Who does that when they're two years old? So we had another relaxing dinner with out having to bribe Sadie to eat or use other tactics of getting food into her system.

Once she woke up we tried to get Sadie to make an announcement. We brought her downstairs wearing a very special t-shirt. She was pretty cranky (the "I just woke up" mood) and wouldn't turn around to show everyone what her shirt said. After everyone else started standing up to show off their shirts did we get Sadie to finally turn around and announce to the family that she is going to be a big sister. I imagined Sadie running into the room with her cute t-shirt on and screaming "I'm going to be a big sister" (like we had practiced), but she decided to bury her head in my shoulder and be shy. Oh well, it was still fun because the anticipation was building the whole time. Many couldn't figure out what we were trying to do and I'm sure several were very confused. Once they discovered our little (actually it's pretty big) secret there was clapping and hoorays all around the table. I of course got all emotional and cried. I can't help myself these days.

We told my family the night before. Sadie got on the phone and after days of practicing told everyone "I'm a big sista...big sista, big sista". No one could understand her so we asked her what was in Mommy's tummy. She responded with "a baby..oh my goodness, I love babies." My family still didn't get it. Finally we said, "Sadie, are you going to be a big sister?" and then everyone gasped and congratulated us. I think it's funny that we can understand every word Sadie says but to most of the world, she could be speaking Japanese.

After we told the Cannon's we had a Thanksgiving stomp in the living room. This was my first ever Thanksgiving stomp. At first I just played the pregnancy card and watched for a while. But once Micheal Jackson came on, my body couldn't help itself. I had to get up and groove. It was awesome. I don't think there was anyone not dancing. The Cannons are one in a million. I am so lucky I am part of their family now. We always have such a great time and there is NEVER a dull moment. And the best part about being pregnant is that I ate three Thanksgiving dinners and I don't feel the least amount of guilt, not even after chowing down on leftovers the next day.

I had to embarrass these Cannons boys. Hopefully I won't get in any trouble later. The best part is hearing Connie laugh in the background.

2 by 2 tag

Two names you go by:
1. Mama (Sadie)
2. Toots (Chase)

Two things you are wearing right now:
1. gray sweat pants (thank you John Mayer)
2. my favorite brown sweatshirt

Two things you want right now:
1. for my cold to go away!!!
2. for finals to be over!!!

Two things you did last night:
1. took Sadie to the library to check out another bunch of Angelina Ballerina books.
2. went to bed at 9 p.m. to try and get rid of this blasted cold.

Two things you ate today:
1. Puffins cereal
2. oatmeal

Two favorite drinks:
1. water
2. coke (as of late...I know..I'm a hypocrite. However you should know I never drink it...I just always want to.)

Five people I'm tagging:
Kristi, Julie, Tommi, Jill, and Muranda

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Early Indoctrination of Children

Sadie has her New Year's plans..BCS Bound....AGAIN!!! How about you cougar fans?

Saturday, November 22, 2008


For the last few days, I have been acting like a complete idiot. I locked my keys in the house on Thursday and had to go all the way down town to get a key from Chase (thanks again for the ride to the metro Erin) Speaking of Erin. She's a saint. About 6 months ago my car got towed because I parked it somewhere stupid. Erin came to the rescue and took me to the scary towing yard where I gave the yard manager a piece of my mind. Then about a month ago I left my keys at a friends house and had no way of picking them up because they were my car keys. Erin picked me up and dropped me off that night so don't ask me why I brought my keys with me or why I left them there. The next day Erin headed back over there to pick up my keys. And then there was yesterday. She found me sitting in my car trying to keep warm, took me to pick up Sadie from preschool and dropped us off at the metro station. Erin, believe me when I say I am friends with you not ONLY because you have my back 24/7 but for many more reasons.

Anyway, so back to my stupidity. Yesterday, while I was bringing the groceries in I thought I would put Sadie inside while I brought in all the heavy stuff. Bad idea. The little weasel locked me out of the house!! Twice I had been locked out in two days!!! She was standing behind the screen door with a little smile on her face which turned into a very concerned whimper once she found out I really couldn't get in. I think the stress of the situation caused her to panic and she started screaming. As calm as I could (standing out in 30 degree weather) I told her to turn the knob. She must have forgotten how to do the simple act she performed moments ago because the only action she provided was a pounding on the glass and a tantrum of tears. I bribed her with "pink gum" to get her to go downstairs and unlock the back door but every time I ran around the back she wasn't there. When I returned she was standing at the screen door searching wildly for me. Once I calmed her down she finally understood the concept of going downstairs, letting Mama in, and receiving a juicy piece of pink gum. A half an hour later I was in the house.

Also, yesterday I couldn't find my phone. I don't know if any of you have ever tried to call me and I never answer, I promise I am not screening calls. I probably just can't find my phone. I literally lose it once a day. It was out of batteries so even if someone tried to call me, I couldn't search for it by sound. Chase knew exactly where it was when he got home from work yesterday and plugged it in for me.

Today, Chase took Sadie to the grocery store while I finished up cleaning the house for our Utah/BYU party tonight. He tried calling me several times to get info about what to buy and finally came home (because of course I had no idea where my phone was at the time) and stuck the phone on me with a piece of duct tape. Maybe fanny packs will come back so I can take my phone with me wherever I go. Maybe I should get a utility belt. I don't know, but lately I've been scaring myself with how absent minded I am. Must be the cold weather.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This is what happens when Mom finally gets a night off!!

This is also what happens when you think someone is taking a picture of look really weird. What happens next? You keep on dancing!!

This is us after we found out Chase took a movie instead of a picture...AAANNNNGGGRYYY!!
We got over it pretty quick.
We had some pretty good seats at the Jazz game. A ton of our friends joined us including the Cotti's, Jonas Anderson, Mike Nelson, Gardners, Chris, Holden, Curtis, and the McNairs. Even though we lost, we still had fun. Hooray for a night out on the town with out the kiddies! Jess and I were laughing that it took 6 attempts for them to find a babysitter. Where's Grandma when you need her?

Family Pics

Because Tommi Hymas (my favorite photographer) lives thousands of miles away, we decided to take family pictures into our own hands this year. We borrowed Chris Cannon's amazing camera (I want one too Chase...hint hint) and had Erin Mecham take our picture. Erin did a great job even while holding little Jude most of the time. We got a lot of great shots. These are some of the candids I took while testing out the camera. For those of you who I have addresses for, you'll be getting a Christmas card in the mail as soon as I can address them...which by judging how slow I am to update our blog, could be a very long time.

Great Falls...again

The great thing about D.C. is that fall lasts forever!! We have had such great weather out here that we've kept our coats in storage and headed out for hikes and walks all over the place. One of our favorite places to visit is Great Falls National Park. Sadie loved watching the kayaks and throwing rocks in the water. Not much else to say but that we had a slendiphorous (as my brother Nick would say) time!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Baby Bear, Tutu's and Sleeping Beauty

I experienced deja vu several times this Halloween. We pretty much lived last year over again. I even had Sadie wear a very similar costume. Last year I bought her a chick/duck costume from Children's Place. It kept her so warm and she looked so dang cute that I went right back there this year and got a bigger and slightly improved version of the same thing. This year she was Baby Bear. I added some pink ribbons for a little femininity and definitely got my $10 worth. Originally I wanted Sadie to be Shamu. She still talks about "shampoo" the killer whale in San Diego and what better way to remember him than actually BE him. The only one I could find was $50 and it wasn't even that cute.

Sadie said she wanted to either be "Shampoo" or a "pretty pretty princess." My "Thomas the Tank Engine loving" tomboy is finally turning into a "girly girl." She asks to put a "pretty pretty dress" on daily and once it's on she twirls around the room doing arabesques while singing "once upon a dream." I felt bad not letting her be a princess but I couldn't pass up the last year I have to make her be whatever I want her to be....a cute little bear. I still feel like she's a baby and I suppose and I want her to stay that way as long as possible. The only way I could get her to put on her boring bear costume was to put her tu tu on over it.

I also thought a princess costume wouldn't be warm enough. We made a deal with her. If she would be baby bear for the night we would let her be a princess once we got inside. We ventured out to the Todd's neighborhood again and had a great time with all the family that was there. We started the night with some cozy soup (which Sadie gobbled up...hooray...I love it when she eats anything healthy) and headed out the door to trick or treat.

Sadie was in pursuit of lollipops all night. Once she got one, it was immediately opened and devoured. I guess it's my fault for limiting candy but once she had some she turned into a crazy and cranky little beast. She cried the whole way home because we wouldn't give into her having another piece of candy after she had already had a plethora at the Todd's. I don't like the way she behaves when it's around(candy) so I'm going to continue it's limitation as long as I can get away with it.

I forgot to mention that once we got back from collecting candy (poison) her cousin Grace gave her a "pretty pretty dress" that doesn't fit her anymore. Sadie was in heaven. She waltzed around the room singing "upon a dream!!!" over and over again. It was hilarious. She wears it over her PJ's everyday and walks around as if she were floating on a cloud. You can tell she thinks she's the spiffiest thing to ever turn a corner. It's fun to see her acting like a real princess but it's sad seeing her so grown up. Sometimes I wish I could just push the pause button on her.

A few more pics for all our enjoyment:-)

Sadie and her buddy Moriah at the ward Trunk or Treat. She found a lollipop there too and, as you can see, was pretty excited about it.
Her favorite things about Halloween (besides the candy of course) were all the decorations. She tried to touch every lit jackolantern and was very impressed with the blow up pumpkin (but was a little scared at first).

I just love this little girl so much. Apart from the occasional tantrums and whining, she's become such a fun little buddy to hang out with.

Monday, November 3, 2008

New Hampshire

This post is way overdue because I knew it would take me FOREVER to upload all these pictures and I've been procrastinating. Everyone knows I'm camera happy but when I get Sadie and her little cousins together I am practically camera INSANE. You have to stop me. Columbus Day treated us to a longer weekend so we decided to take the 9 hour drive up to NH and visit the Olsons.

Em is my older sister and had her first baby girl exactly a year before Sadie was born. They get along like peas and carrots so we try to blend them together as much as possible. It doesn't hurt that Em and I get along like ice cream and spoons. Chase was the third wheel most of time as Patrick worked at the hospital 24/7 (literally). We were surprised a couple of times to have him come home for a couple of hours here and there.

We made the mistake of telling Sadie we were going to see cousin Ruby right as we got on the road around 8 p.m. Thursday night. Normally we thought she would zonk out but she cried for Ruby up until about 11. When we finally told her we weren't going anymore, she fell asleep. It was a LONG drive but we finally pulled in around 5 a.m. to find we forgot to ask Em for directions. So there we were after driving around for 9 hours, seeking out a house in the middle of Lebanon (or in other words...the middle of the woods).

Chase drove the whole time so we let him sleep in while we took the kids out for a long walk. We couldn't have picked a better weekend. The leaves were GORGEOUS and the weather man granted us sun and more sun. It was fabulous!!! Our activities consisted of touring Dartmouth, Woodstock, hiking to lakes, and heading to the farm to pick berries, apples and pumpkins.

New Hampshire is a beautiful place. It's very picturesque and worth the drive. Of course we stayed up later than our bodies wanted us to talking and eating ice cream. Thanks for having us Em and Pat. Sadie still asks if the car in front of us is "Ruby's car." She misses her already. We of course miss them too. Family is the greatest. I wish we all lived closer. Ruby and Sadie both love books. I guess it's the Children's Hour gene shining through. Uncle Chase is the best at making silly voices and "bursting into tears" reading Angelina Ballerina. (She's a pretty dramatic little mouse.)
Sadie was so excited to pick her own berries. Her carton was always empty because the berries went straight from the bush to her mouth.
Happy little kid. There's nothing better than berry picking with Ruby!!
I love this picture. Chase was aching for a ski on the glassy water and Sadie was aching to disturb the ripple free lake with guessed!!

At the end of the day Sadie was really tired. You can tell from the dirt all over her face and baggy eyes that she had worn herself out.
What a guy. Have you ever seen such a hottie?

This is my favorite picture of Andrew. He was eating a granola bar and just couldn't finish it. I would love to be able to fall asleep like that.

Etherington grandkids, soon to be joined by two more on the way (Alice and Eloise).