The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Un Mes!

Somehow as walking zombies we have made our one month milestone as a family of five. George is doing splendidly and I'm proud to say he has gained some serious weight. I love thinking of him taking all my calories away when I nurse him. You go right ahead and eat as much as you want George! At his two week appointment he was already 8 pounds. I always worry about bringing these sweet little nuggets home from the hospital after they have lost a little of their birth weight so we were thrilled to find he had gained it all back and then some.

We love our little George. Sometimes during a busy day I love to just sit and stare at his tiny little face. I love his little nose. I love how his lower lip slants to the side because his heavy cheeks drag it down. LOVE those chubby cheeks! He has his Dad's dreamy dark blue eyes. He has incredibly long fingers and has done remarkably well not scratching his face like most newborns do. Love his long feet and toes because they are the spitting image of his father's. Chase and I think of him as a mix between a puppy and a koala bear. He breaths like a puppy dog and snuggles like a koala bear while moving around his long fingers. He had a "friar tuck" haircut (just like Sadie did) so we gave him a little haircut with the clippers. Now he's just peach fuzz all over and we're loving his new look!

At, his four week check up George surprised us all and weighed in on the scale at 10 pounds!! Hooray for our little man and hooray for me because I kept him alive:-) He eats just about every 2-3 hours and keeps us up at night with the same dreadful routine. As is the life with a newborn. He rewards us every once in a while with a little smile and this kairos moment gets me through when he wakes me up again to eat at 4:30 in the morning. I do love snuggling with this little person. The first two weeks were a total blur as I was somewhat medicated and totally sleepy. We had a lot of sleepy afternoons together. He's also started cooing and I melt!

What can I say about George that I've learned these past 30 days. He LOVES to be held and will take any attention that comes his way. Sadie absolutely drools over him. She will get down on the blanket with him and say "hi" over and over again in a high pitched dreamy whisper. As I was making dinner this afternoon, she did a great job keeping him entertained. I was grateful for any distraction so the lasagna could be made with two hands. We tried it with one (George occupied the other) and it proved to be more difficult than expected (even for an expert like me:-)

Our day goes a little like this. 7 a.m I stumble into the kitchen to get Sadie off to school, feed Jack and then we watch Thomas the Tank Engine while I feed George. We all hang out until George gets grumpy. Jack isn't a fan of waiting around while I put George down so he goes upstairs and plays with his trains. We will get maybe a half hour before George wakes up again. He doesn't nap well in the morning and usually crashes in the afternoon. If we're desperate to make him happy, we'll swaddle him up tight and put him in the swing where he usually passes out for a couple of hours.

I took the little man to the doctor today because he's has a little cough and stuffy nose. I wanted to make sure RSV isn't in his lungs. The test came back negative which was a relief. I'm hoping that once this cold passes, he will be sleeping better. We've had a lot of sleepless nights as of late and I'm ready for a full 6 hours!!

Loving my new baby boy!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I forgot how hard those first few months with a newborn are. It really wouldn't be so bad if human beings didn't require at least 6 hours of sleep. We've been getting an inconsistent 5. George is great, don't get me wrong, but I AM SO TIRED!! Tackling three kids is more of a challenge than I thought as well. Before I usually stole at least an hour of the day for myself to either shower, blog, or take a little cat nap. There is literally NO time to do any of these things. As soon as I get George down for a morning nap, Jack wants to read books. I'll feed him lunch and get him down for his nap and am lucky if I have five minutes to eat something before George wakes up again. Eating has never been such a challenge. That's another thing that would make this whole experience a heck of a whole lot easier. If human being didn't require three meals a day, I would be in much better shape. NO TIME TO EAT!! Sometimes Chase will come home from work and I still haven't brushed my teeth yet. I usually still have my pajamas on too. NO TIME FOR HYGIENE!

It also doesn't help that this happens to be thunderstorm season. There was one night we had all the kids in our bed. Jack threw up on Chase's pillow and we were all so tired that the vomit splotches on the sheet were entirely ignored and slept upon. We are totally in survival mode around here.

George wakes up every 3 hours and doesn't sleep at all in the morning. He'll usually crash in the late afternoon and we're all grateful for a peaceful dinner with only Sadie and Jack's screams and whining to deal with. Chase said to me yesterday "how much would I have to pay you to go back in time a month ago?" Don't think I could put a price tag on that one. I'm just glad the sleepless nights are coming to an end, at least if George follows suit and sleeps through the night at 6 weeks as his older sibling did. Like I said before, "bliss and oblivion" all in one. We probably won't remember much of what happened since January 17, but I'll know that kids have been fed, diapers have been changed (sometimes too late in Jack's case) and we're doing our best to not fall asleep when reading books to the kids. We survived!!

The iPhone...somewhat addicted

I've always loved my iPhone. Frankly, I don't know how I lived with out it for the first 30 years of my life. I have grown to love my phone even more now that I am sitting down and feeding George 10 times throughout the day. With Sadie and Jack, I tried to read a magazine or a book but always found it difficult with one hand. The iPhone gives me the world at my fingertips. I can read articles, play my Mom in Scrabble, brouse Pinterest, and also take pictures....which happens to be my personal favorite feature.

These are only a select few of the hundreds of pics I have taken of George. Some were at 4 in the morning and others when we were all wide awake. Love that I can bond with George and stay up on my email all at the same time. Hooray for technology!!