The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hello all. I am finally updating our family blog. Seeing that the Poelmans are now leaving us we feel this will be a good way to stay in touch with everyone whether they be in San Diego or Utah. Chase's is near the end of his second year which means finals are just around the corner. He's studying as I write this, the poor thing. Luckily for all of us, he actually enjoys law school and is looking forward to working with the Department of Corporations and the Department of Agriculture this summer. We also plan on moving out to our favorite city, D.C. (where we met), where Chase will be working for the SCC and hopefully working for Judge Swift in the US Tax Court. We're excited about this because we have a lot of family back East. I have been working for a CPA tax firm for a couple of months. I actually worked there last year when I was pregnant with Sadie lady. They have been very flexible with my "mommy" schedule and fortunately I only work when Chase is home with the lady. Sadie is a crack up. Her new thing is to say "da da da da" but she actually sings it. She repeats( or tries to) little things we say to her. She's on her way to walking. She loves standing but can get around so well crawling that she'd rather use that mode of transportation for now. She is OBSESSED with doggies. She also LOVES to read. We usually read her a book every night before she goes to bed, but lately we been reading all day long. She can't get enough of them (especaily the ones that have doggies in them). Her first birthday is coming up on May 8th. We are so excited for this day but can't believe how fast it has gone by. Crazy stuff. We're a happy little family and hope you all are as well. Peace out!!