The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

8 years y'all

(Celebrating at Jack Allen's food EVER!!)
Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky!  I am so in love with this man!! 

(Night time shenanigans)
He makes me laugh every day and over the span of 8 years...that's 2,920 days of laughter.  Pretty awesome!!

(Temple trip to San Antonio)

(Echo Lake 2001)
Even though we've been married 8 years, he's been my best friend for 13.   

Still got it!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

He's walking!!

All it took was a basketball hoop and some courage.  He's off!!  Little G man is walking!  He decided it's way easier shooting hoops if you don't have to crawl holding the ball.  Being a foot taller is way better too! 

Go Green or Go Home!

The leprechauns made their way into our house again this year.  We were out to dinner with friends that evening and got the idea from the Lunts to write mustaches on the kid's faces while they slept that night.  Chase and I had to leave the room a few times because we were laughing too hard and the littles were beginning to stir.  Being a parent is so much fun!!

We managed Jack swimmingly. He could probably sleep through a Tornado, but Sadie kept moving and we decided that after almost waking her, we'd skip our lightest sleeper in the next room....G-man!! 

The Leprechauns got us too!!

The kids woke up at the crack of dawn and were overwhelmed at the destructing around our house and the marks left behind, even on their faces!! 

Seriously, I hope we have at least three of four more years of this.  Maybe 5?  Why can't they just believe our lies forever?  They're growing up too fast!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013


Grandpa couldn't come for Christmas, so we got him in March instead.  Hooray!!!!
George was shy at first but then realized Grandpa is just like Dad, just with a fluffier head. 

Of course we spent the whole week outside.  It was spring break so we had lots of time to burn and still didn't have enough to do all we wanted to do.

Barton Creek was a must and we had a lot of fun splashing in the water and having a picnic in the woods.

But real food was required so we introduced yet another city slicker to the Salt Lick.  He loved it!!  And clearly Sadie and Jack love and adore him.

Jack cracked us up that night.  We ordered him some turkey and as Chase was gnawing on a rib, Jack looked over with a perplexed look on his face and said "hey Dad, were'd ya get that rib."  It was a proud moment for Chase watching his son act like a cave man while ripping flesh off a bone.  I was more proud that we're acclimating enough to indoctrinate the children in Texas ways....all the way down to their fantastic BBQ.

George just loved being outside and flirting with a table of ladies.

A visit from Grandpa is never complete with out a little tree climbing.  I found him the best tree ever!!

I couldn't have survived spring break with out him.  The kids were beyond entertained and we all had a marvelous time. 

And to top it all off, we were able to be together as we watched Aunt Jane open her mission call to Nauvoo, Ill.  Learning American Sign Language.  Hooray for Jane!!! 
All in all, a perfect week with my amazing Dad!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Date Night with my Lady

Sadie had a school play while Chase was out of town so I hired a babysitter and made a date out of it.  The play consisted of a bunch of off key first graders shouting out songs while a select few starlets danced on the stage.  Pretty typical, but so fun to see Sadie wave and grin at me from across the room. 
We went to TCBY afterwards and as we sat down with our ice cream I found that no matter how many interesting questions I asked Sadie, I couldn't get her full attention.  I was so frustrated because I rarely get alone time with her at home.  I realized that she was staring at a television behind me so I switched places with her in hopes that I could enthusiastically engage her in some conversation.  But then I noticed that there was another television behind that seat as well. I stopped for a moment and was astounded to find that there was not one corner of the establishment without a blaring television distracting my little girl from looking into my eyes.  Darn the media that's ever inundating our society!!  I guess we'll save the girl chats for "pillow talk" and leave the ice cream to bluebell.  You're fired TCBY!! 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Spring Happenings

We love this time of year in Texas.  We've been soaking up the beautiful weather before it gets too hot to breath.  There have been many a scooter ride....

and trips to the park. 

Mayfield park was a hit.

If there's water and rocks to throw, we have some happy campers.

We were laughing at this backdrop.  So Texas!!

We had a pretty fierce windstorm (so glad to be renting:-)

And with the wind came some great kite flying at the Austin Kite Festival. 

Sadie is quite a pro at this point.

It's fun seeing all the different kites until one gets tangled with yours...boooo!

Bike rides in the rain.

Puddle stomping at Costco.  Jack wanted to wear a purse too so we called it a "satchel."

Bath time is harder than it looks.
....and more shenanigans. 
Happy Spring!!