The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Bers!!

Today, 29 years ago, an amazing person was brought into the world. That person is my friend Kim. I don't usually post birthday messages about my friends but today I have felt especially grateful to have Kimberly Sanders Ujifusa as my "bosom friend" of nearly 26 years. For those of you who know her, you know how special she is. No one can make you laugh harder than Kim. She introduced humor to me and so many other people. She is well known for her hilarious personality. But that isn't all that makes Kim so very special. Not so long ago I was a girl with permed bangs, buck teeth, was flat chested, and pretty scrawny to top it all off. Kim might have seen how hideous I was but always made me feel like a million bucks. She's been my buddy since we were 5 years old and we've gotten along like sisters ever since (with an occasional fist fight over who got "shot gun" or not). Kim has always been an example to me of someone who never gives up and presses forward no matter how hard the rain is falling on her. As of late she is struggling with something that requires the strength I know I don't have. She remains ever faithful to her heavenly father, loving to her family, and strong for everyone else. I love her to death and I want her to know that today I am grateful for my beautiful, vivacious, intelligent, witty, caring, determined, and courageous friend. Happy Birthday Kim!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's a.......

World, nation, prepare yourselves for the June 1st arrival of Chase Junior (yet to be officially named). With any luck, he will get Abby's height and knock-out looks, and will be the star NBA player I always wanted to be... You want to influence the boy's life right now?? Leave me a comment which name you prefer: Jack (after Abby's awesome Grandpa)(Sorry McNairs...) or Max (after Where the Wild Things Are).
Check out those sweet legs!! Crossed, just like Sadie's. He will be a gentleman as well as an NBA star.
Hey, it's me...the real narrator of this blog. I thought I should say something because if not you will all probably think I'm not excited about having a boy. All I can say is that this pregnancy is WAY better than Sadie's. If having a boy means fewer months of nausea, then bring on the boys!!! The little tyke has given me a mysterious rash all over my belly but like I said before...I'll take a rash any day over puking!!! I am very excited to have a little boy. One of each!!!

My perfect little traveler!!

This picture is kind of weird. It looks like she's being brainwashed but she's just watching her Cars movie and very engrossed. Seriously, how did I get so lucky? I love the look people give me when I sit down next to them with a toddler. They never seem too pleased. I just want to rub it in their face when Sadie behaves like a little angel while she watches her movies (she LOVES LOVES LOVES movies...deprivation is the key people!!) So we left SLC even though Brooke hadn't had her baby. Her doctor said she wasn't even close. Hopefully we'll hear some good news soon about baby Eloise. Now we are back in D.C. and very happy to be home, especially because Chase is here. We missed him. Sadie gave him the biggest hug when she saw him at the airport. It was tender.


Baby Alice Diane Dalton. Lizzie finally gave birth. Chase had to go back to D.C. for work and I decided to stay in case anything exciting happened. Well, it happened, just a week later than we thought it would. Lizzie finally went into labor on New Year's Day. Chad (although worried he would faint) was a champ in the delivery room and even cut the umbilical cord. What a beautiful little baby. I instantly fell in love with her. She looks a lot like her daddy and is an amazing baby. She is very mild tempered and a great little eater. Lucky parents!!

It's amazing how you feel like you're in the presence of an angel when a baby is born. She was named after Alice Evans, our elderly neighbor who was the neighborhood "cookie lady." She actually passed away about a week before baby Alice was born. I went to her funeral and it was quite an event. I knew she was a great lady but apparently she was pretty fantastic because President Monson, Elders Packer, Ballard, Scott, and Oaks were all there. She was married to an apostle who died several years ago but I know that's not the only reason all these great men attended her funeral. She was truly a Christ like woman who not only loved everyone but taught everyone else through her example. She gave us neighbor kids homemade cookies as we passed by on our way home from school. Lizzie and I would go down to her home and play the piano for her. We were pretty lousy but she made us feel like we were amazing always reminding us to keep practicing!! What an honor to be named after her. Baby Alice is such a little sweetheart, I know she will live up to the name Lizzie and Chad have given her. Welcome sweet, precious, little Alice!!!

The Three Pregos

I wanted to get a shot of all three of us pregnant Etherington ladies before their babies popped out. I should have worn a tighter shirt. I promise my belly is much bigger than it seems. Lizzie is due on December 26th and Brook is due on January 10th. I am due on June 1st.

Lights at Temple Square

We have always meant to take Sadie down to the temple every year while in Utah but we always forget. This year we didn't. It was pretty cold that night so we made a quick lap around the place and called it a night. Sadie loved the temple. She kept calling it "Sleeping Beauty's castle." I know there are a lot of family shots in here but I had to post these funny pics of Sadie. She is making the craziest faces.

Winter Wonderland

Coming from San Diego we are grateful that D.C. has a very mild winter. However, I still say that if it's going to be cold, there had better be some snow to show for it. If there's an inch of snow in D.C. the city shuts down. I think it's pretty hilarious watching the locals here attempt to drive on the wet roads. You can tell they don't get a lot of snow here. So when it was dumped on us in Utah we were overjoyed. I nearly got into two accidents. (The first, a car came down a hill and ran right into the vehicle in front of me. The other was on the freeway when a woman did about five doughnuts and crashed into the side rail right in front of me. I was driving like 20 mph so although I was a little alarmed I knew I wouldn't run into her.) Despite the treacherous conditions, I still loved every minute that I saw the flakes coming down.

We attempted sledding again this year in hopes that Sadie would enjoy it...WRONG!!! She went down the hill once and was done!! So we went home and made just about the cutest little snowman I have ever seen. It looked like it jumped right out of a Jan Brett children's book.

Sadie loved the snow but didn't love wearing all the gear. She could barely walk in it and the gloves we bought her were so big she eventually took them off so her hand could touch the snow and make it's way into her mouth. The big pine trees hovered over her to make a great winter house. She thought that was pretty cool.

Christmas in Utah

The Cannons headed back to Utah again this year. Chase had some interviews set up (in the hopes that one day we can finally live close to family again) and I had an interview set up with baby Alice Dalton and Eloise Etherington who would be born sometime while we were in town (I hoped:-)
It was great to be with family again. Sadie was the only grandchild this year which was good and bad. She got a lot of attention but needed some cousins to play with. She did had a blast with Grandpa doing their "double whitzer whizters", chasing Walter the cat, and throwing snow balls. She and Mimi painted fingernails. And she went to two "bakiball" games with Pops and CC where she saw her new favorite bird...Swoop. Sadie loves her grandparents and we love them too for giving us parents a break.

Christmas eve we had dinner with the Etherington's and the program with the Cannon's. The running around gets a little daunting and we were all worn out by the end of the night but neither of us can imagine not attending both events. Santa brought Sadie the Cars movie (her new favorite...Thomas the Tank Engine is on the back burner for a while). My little sister Jane came with us and played her violin during the program as well.
Sadie was so excited to see Santa and was overjoyed when he gave her Cars. She now runs all over the place saying "I'm going ot be in the Piston Cup" which to an outside ear can sound a little vulgar.

Christmas morning was awesome. Santa made the mistake of putting a lollipop at the top of Sadie's stocking so she had absolutely no interest in opening presents for a while. In fact she was so busy watching Cars that morning we literally had to pull teeth to get her to go downstairs to open her presents. Cars is WAY more fun!! Once she got in the groove she discovered a bunch of Thomas wooden trains in her stocking including all her favorites..Percy, James, Gordon, Thomas, Toby and even some new guys. Of course she knew them all by name as she was opening them. She received some fun stuff including a fairy costume from both Mimi and her other grandma CC. Once she had opened all her gifts (very fun for her to rip the paper off) she proceeded to help everyone else open theirs. She didn't care what was inside, she just wanted to open all the presents. We had a delicious brunch (cooked by my awesome brother/chef) and then raced over to the Cannon's for a second Christmas.

Sadie was still in the groove of opening presents. Luckily she has some very patient uncles who let her open whatever she wanted. Pops was busy making some delicious "special eggs" and for the first time he made me my own batch of muesli (a German oatmeal with all sorts of fruit, yogurt, and sugar). I have tried Muesli in the past and have always steered clear of the stuff every year when they serve it Christmas morning. I told Jim that if he made me some with natural yogurt and didn't add any sugar, I would probably like it a lot more. Well, my request was granted and I actually LOVED it. Who knew this mush that strangely resembles vomit could taste so good?!! I actually packaged up my own little batch and took it back to the Etherington's for a little pregnancy midnight snack. Thanks Jim for the special attention to the Prego's details.

Chase's big gift to me was a VERY nice professional camera. I can't wait to learn how to take my own great pictures with out having to pay someone to do it for me. We ended up taking it back because I figured I could buy it again once I got to D.C. Now if I can get over the guilt of having such a nice camera when we are still technically students. I surprised Chase with some new Ray Ban sunglasses (the ones that were stolen from our car) and his mom had the same idea so he got two pairs. Luckily we kept our receipts although knowing Chase's luck with sunglasses, he'll probably need both of them.

We had so much fun. Thank you to both of our families for all their generous gifts and love.

Third time's a charm!!!

She finally did it!! Sadie sat on Santa's lap this year. If you remember my post last year, she was terrified of Santa. I don't know why I should be so excited that she is now brave enough to go to a strange man she doesn't know, but it was a very proud moment when she finally decided to let the man know what she wants for Christmas. At first she was petrified. She saw him coming down the hall at the ward Christmas party and ran the other way. However, once she saw all the children lining up to see him, she asked to go up to the stage to get a good look herself. Once it was her turn our smart little Sadie thought that instead of sitting on his lap she would just yell over to him what she wants...."hey Santa..I want a pretty dress and Sleeping Beauty shoes." I told her that if she wanted those things she would have to sit on his lap and tell him so we could take a picture. She sacrificed for the gifts and sat on his lap and then surprised us all with a big grin and a "cheese" into the camera. What a gal!! Santa's definitely getting her what she asked for:-)

Egg Nog Knocker

The official name of the party was "Neil Diamond". Requirements were that you wear a sweater and bring a mug. I found some pretty great sweaters at our local thrift store. I couldn't find an ugly one for Sadie so she ended up just looking cute. If there had been a prize for the weirdest looking was definitely us. Chase and I weren't keeping tabs on how much sugar intake was going on in the Sadie machine. I assumed I was the only one giving her swedish fish but Chase was too along with marshmallows, candy canes, and chocolates. Needless to say, Sadie puked all over her crib the next morning. Lucky for us, it was only the food she ate because she was as fit as a fiddle about three hours later. Thanks for the "rockin" party Selanders.