The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Four Years!!

Four years ago today Chase and I tied the knot. Hooray for us!! We've made it to almost half a decade with very little effort. Chase is so easy to be married to and I'm one lucky lady to have him in my life. I LOVE YOU CHASE!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Eve of Four

Also on the eve of March Madness is the Eve of our Fourth Anniversary. That is the fourth anniversary of Sheesh and Toots! So, to my fabulous wife of 3 years and 364 days, I say Happy Anniversary Eve, and of course I love you!!

Here are some sweet pics of us along the way....

Pour Some Sugar On Me!!!

SINCE IT'S THE EVE OF MARCH MADNESS, I thought I would remind everyone everywhere that I witnessed Utah winning the 2009 Allstate National Championship Sugar Bowl. And in so doing Utah claimed its second national championship in four years. So no matter what happens in the next three weeks in basketball, we have our national championship for the year, so I'm good.

Rammer Jammer was one great weekend with the boys (and Andrew's Laura) in Nahleans!! Thanks Pat for the tickets. I AM A UTAH MAN!!!

Here are a few pics of the unbelievable evening at the Louisiana Superdome and the celebration on Bourbon.

Ben (a Ute fan for the weekend) presenting us with our tickets (they were cool-looking).

And a few pics of some signs we made that appeared on national television.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Another "addiction"

With out an application about twice daily my lips will crack and bleed. I am also addicted to not only brushing my teeth but my lips as well to "exfoliate" them every morning. What are you addicted to? I would love to know.

I am Abby Cannon and I am an Afrin addict...supposedly

So about five months ago I went to see Twilight with a bunch of girls. I really disliked the books but thought it would be entertaining to see the movie just for the kicks. Besides it's always fun having a GNO. BIG MISTAKE. I sat by a girl who was sniffing the coughing the entire movie. I was doomed from the beginning and had a hard time concentrating on the movie as I counted the number of sniffs per minute from the invalid beside me. I was immediately congested the next day and had a cold for about three months. The worst part about being pregnant is that you can't really take any medication to relieve a cold or make it go away. The only thing that worked was Nasal Spray. At first I was a good little patient and only used it the directed two days. But then my cold got worse and I went back to the spray demons and am now completely addicted. It's been since November and even though my cold has pretty much disappeared, the congestion lingers and Afrin is my new best friend. We have a rendezvous every evening before I go to sleep. I've been reading up on what I should do and this is what I found:

Nasal spray addiction: Is it real?

No. You cannot become addicted to a nasal spray. Addiction is a compulsive physiological need for and use of a habit-forming substance known to be physically, psychologically or socially harmful. Over-the-counter nasal sprays don't contain any habit-forming ingredients, and they don't cause the compulsive cravings that mark an addiction. Lies Lies Lies!!!However, it is possible to develop a tolerance to nasal sprays.

Nasal congestion occurs when blood vessels in the lining of your nose (nasal membranes) expand (dilate), such as due to a cold or allergies or pregnancy...those vessels are expanding everywhere...not just in my nose. Decongestant nasal sprays narrow (constrict) these blood vessels, reducing congestion and clearing your nasal passages.

After a few days of using a decongestant nasal spray, your nasal membranes may become tolerant — or less responsive — to the effects of the medication. As a result, you may need to use more and more of the medication to control congestion or your congestion may worsen if you stop using the medication (rebound congestion). Some people mistake this as nasal spray addiction. But it really isn't. I am not a doctor but I know addiction when I see it. I guess it's not as bad as a cocaine or heroin addict but until they can get me to sleep the whole night through with out my nightly fix, then I'll consider myself "addicted."

The Lepers are coming!!

I woke up this morning and totally forgot that it's Saint Patrick's Day. I'm glad Jess called to remind me. Preschool was cancelled due to a kid being sick so we all decided to have a little celebration. Sadie and I first met Andrew and Alexandra (and Will, I always forget about the little guys) for a fun Spring activity at the library. They talked about seeds and watched popcorn pop. The teacher took off the lid so popcorn was flying everywhere. The kids thought it was hilarious. They also received a sunflower seed to plant in a pot. We'll see if our grows. I have very bad luck with seeds and getting them to grow. You can just call me "Ping" from the Empty Pot.
We then headed over to the Gardner's for a St. Patrick's Day party. They learned about the color green and how to it's made by mixing blue and yellow.
We made Mac and Cheese with "green balls" (peas), veggie booty, green grapes, and us Moms had a delicious green salad with yummy bread.
I had been telling Sadie all day that we need to wear green so the leprechauns can come and bring their treasure. "Leprechaun" is a hard word for a little tyke to say so she defaulted to the lovely replacement of "Leper." She kept yelling to all the other kids..."the Lepers are coming." I hid some golden chocolate coins outside while they ate their lunch. I was worried the squirrels would get to them before the kids but they backed off for the afternoon.
The kids found all the treasure. Andrew ate all his coins in about 2 minutes flat:-) I hid Sadie's in the diaper bag after realizing she wasn't interested. I am hoping I can hide them again in our backyard so she thinks the "lepers" came again. I use anything these days to bribe her to take a nap. Usually it's a Clifford the Big Red Dog episode after she wakes up, but today it was more treasure hunts and a picnic in the park for dinner.

The kids got along swimmingly until Sadie hit Moriah and then it was time to go. (We're working on not hitting and no pushing these an easy feat). Good times. I'm glad I had all these great moms to talk to while the kids ran around like crazy green monsters.

Botanic Gardens

My friend Alexandra told me about some free classes Sadie can take at the US Botanic Gardens right by Capitol Hill. I totally signed up for them because Chase works right on the Hill and we now get to meet him for lunch every Wednesday. The classes are awesome. Sadie is learning all about plants, jungles, ice and water.

Sadie has a great time with her little buddies Andrew and Lizzie. We usually end up outside afterwards to let the kids run around. They chased the pigeons last week and I was grateful the snow had melted because the week before Sadie took a big ball of ice and threw it at the poor bird's head. The weather is turning to Spring here so we are taking full advantage of being outside before the sweltering heat comes. Thanks for the idea Alexandra. We are loving the excuse to head downtown.

The Big Apples

My mom called me the other day and told me she was going to be in New York over the weekend. She asked me to meet her up there so we could buy Fall 2009 for the Children's Hour at the ENK show. I miss being a buyer so much, but I miss even more the time I get to spend with my mom who is usually very busy. When we would go on buying trips in the past, there were no distractions and it was always so fun to have her all to myself. I decided to make a fun outing out of the trip and visit the Dargers while I was up there. My mom didn't fly in until midnight Saturday so I spent the evening with Julie.

I first stopped by to see their adorable apartment in Park Slope, Brooklyn. I was amazed at how much they could squeeze in there. For a New York apartment, it was actually very roomy. Peterson is growing like a weed and I wasn't at all surprised to see him looking very tall (Ford is a tall man:-). Julie and I headed into the city looking very pregnant together. Her baby is due in about two weeks and mine in about two months, so we were definitely a fun pair to look at. We went to this amazing restaurant where all food and themes point to one item....chocolate. We ate dinner first and then devoured some amazing fondue. We walked out of there swollen from belly to ankle.

Our Taxi to my hotel was hilarious. The guy obviously didn't notice that we were pregnant because he was literally driving 60 mph in the crowded New York streets. I have ridden in many NY taxis but never before have I feared for my life. He was driving like a lunatic!! Once we got out he looked at us and said "you should have told me you were both pregnant...I would have driven slower." I didn't and don't believe a word of it. When we walked into the hotel some guy asked us if we were from Texas (two pregos escaping from the FLDS compound no doubt). We laughed and I called her my sister wife. Julie told me that on her ride back to Brooklyn she talked to her driver all about the LDS church and how we are no way associated with the FLDS church and their practice of polygamy. I am so glad she could at least set one mind straight. I swear because of this new Big Love show, everyone thinks we're polygamist again!!! So frustrating. Good work Jules.

My mom and I had a great time the next day. Although I forgot how exhausting it is to shop all day long. We were buying children's clothes and even though all the vendors were in one convention center, I was completely worn out by 5 p.m. My mom asked if we should go to a show or movie and all I wanted to do was go to bed. I had never been a pregnant buyer before and I'll never do it again. I took a Unisom and slept like a baby (a miracle considering my Mom snores like an old man). We finished up the buying early the next day so we headed to our favorite stores...H&M, Dean and Deluca, and Anthropology. I am so glad I got to hang out with my mom for the weekend. What a treat!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What did you expect?

This is what happens when you get a bunch a toddlers in a room together. Happy Birthday Moriah!!!

East Coasting

Although a school day in Utah would require four to five feet of snow, D.C. cancels for a mere 6 inches. Chase and I think this is great!!! And even though we make fun of this ridiculous practice we'll continue to reap the benefits. Sunday night there was a winter storm warning. We hoped, we prayed, and hooray Chase didn't have to go into work until noon on Monday. They cancelled school but government employees were told to come in, just two hours later than they normally would. Once the streets were plowed he headed to the Tax Court but we sure had a fun morning playing in the snow. We don't have a snow shovel. I refuse to buy one when it only snows three times a year. Chase ended up using a broom for the car and the fireplace shovel for the walks. He looked pretty nerdy with this tiny little shovel. It was just Sadie's size and she loved it!!We discovered that a boogie board normally used on the waves makes a great sled. Sadie had fun sledding for the first time (we've tried in vain to get her to enjoy sledding several times now) and was even doing snow angels. Once she started pouting we headed indoors. I love it how her cheeks get all rosy when their cold. Just like a true Etherington. I've even noticed a couple of freckles. She might end up looking like me after all!!

Cannon Gene Pool

Normally these girls are pretty darn cute but once I asked for a picture of Sadie and her cousin Amelia this is what I got.

Freezing Pan Park

We went to Frying Pan Park on Saturday and froze our bunzzz off. Actually, everyone but me. I was well equipped with Sorels, mittens, scarf, coat and a beanie. I was mocked for my appearance but they were all sorry they weren't as cozy as me once the wind started blowing. Lately my appearance has been lacking some sophistication. I did cut my hair which is a fun change but the clothes just aren't fitting anymore. I'm only seven months prego and the maternity jeans are already getting tight around my belly. This little guy is sitting very low. Nothing fits!! That's why you'll find me wearing sweats 75% of the time. Anyway, back to the farm. We saw all these little babies and I sympathized with the two very large pregnant pigs who couldn't move with out losing their breath. Poor things. I can only imagine what it would be like to carry a litter rather than just one baby. Sadie did quite a bit of snorting and ran away from the chickens. I wish I could have caught it on film. They were even fenced in and she still took off once they started heading toward her. Other than the Gardner's locking their keys in the car, it was a freezing but fun activity. Thanks for the idea Mechams.


Lately Sadie has been very much obsessed with Cars. One night as Chase and I were cleaning up dinner this is what we found after a long silence from Sadie.

Missing Shamu

Two little San Diegans missing their Shamu. Jack was probably too young to remember but he and Sadie had a sweet little moment with our over sized Shamu doll. We loved having the McNairs and Kimballs over for dinner the other night. It's always good to catch up and so fun to finally meet baby Savannah!!

Miss Belle or too much sugar

We go to the library anytime Miss Belle comes to sing. She's a fun lady who sings a lot of traditional songs but always throws in a few wacky ones as well. For a long time Sadie has just observed while sitting on my lap as she watches Miss Belle serenade all the little dancers. However, for the first time Sadie ran into the mosh pit and danced her little heart out. It was a proud moment for me. A part of me is so excited she has found a little courage and no longer needs to sit on my lap anymore, but the other nostalgic side of me wants her to sit there forever:-(

Valentine's Day Fondue

Every year Chase and I make chocolate fondue for V-day. This year I was a little worried because Chase has committed himself to another Ironman Triathlon this November. This means no sugar or sweets until the race is over. He's signed on with his diabetic father so has an even greater incentive to exercise abstinence. This is no fun for the prego lady who LOVES sweets this pregnancy. When I was pregnant with Sadie I was completely disgusted by all food but especially sweets. I feel so much better with this little guy and I like all the food I hated with Sadie. Because of this lame sugar diet I was forced to eat and entire Costco tub of Red Vines by myself, Tagalong Girl scout Cookies....all by myself, and it's just not nearly as fun gaining weight when your spouse is has already lost 8 pounds since January!! Chase gave his Dad a call and they agreed that they could "fall off the wagon" for birthday's and Valentine's Day (I'm not sure about Easter but I'm sure I can make it happen:-). Chocolate fondue couldn't be ignored this year and I wasn't about to eat it all by myself. We decided to include Sadie this year and she thought it was the coolest idea ever. She loves dipping anything "dip, dip, dip", but chocolate is like diving into heaven for her. We also made some very cute little Valentines this year for each other. I love making Valentines. It's so fun to be cheesy and use the corniest lines you can think of to put on construction paper. Here's what we came up with: My Valentine to Chase needs to be opened up by pulling the ribbon. Once it's opened it reads "Only You", and then after unveiling several hearts at the very bottom you read "Can Open My Heart." Chase's Valentine to me required opening as well and it sweetly says "Toots...Welcome to my Heart." I thought the one he made for Sadie was the most creative by far. To the right you have a little piece of paper with an arrow pointing up. If you move the paper up the Heart becomes filled thus signifying "Sadie, you fill up my heart." We know we're nerds but we love doing it every year anyway!!