The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sadie finally weighs 20 lbs!!!

Sadie finally reached the 20 pound mark and we turned her around for the first time this week. She's such a little peanut!! We didn't know if we were ever going to be able to turn her around. I promise I feed her....or try to. She's not the heartiest eater but thanks to a weepy phone call with my big sis, we have tried some new foods that her cousin Ruby likes and is eating once again!! It's like a whole new world for her. All of a sudden I can't feed her fast enough and she loves going on car rides. She points to everything now and loves looking at us in the rear view mirrors. What a crack up. She is so fun to watch!!

Staying afloat!!!

So just when I thought the drama was over after a month of Sadie being sick off and on she surprised us once again. I like to keep things positive so I am only writing about this because in hindsight it's really quite funny. One needs to have a sense of humor during these "desperate times." So this morning Chase walked into Sadie's room before he left for work and saw blood all over her face, her clothes and the crib. I'm sure he panicked while I was sleeping heavily in the other room. I heard her screaming so I geared up to get ready for the day. Chase brought her into me shirtless with remnants of blood around her face. He tried cleaning it up so I wouldn't freak out. I guess she was picking her nose (again) and got a bloody nose (again) and bled all over herself and her bed. So Chase went off to work as I cleaned everything up. I gave her some breakfast while trying to get her bed ready again so she could go back down for a morning nap. So a couple hours later I heard some cooing from the other room but I was so into my Harry Potter book that I decided to finish the chapter (2 pages) and let her keep talking to herself. Sadie was not blessed with a lot of patience ( I wonder where she gets it:-) and decided to take off her diaper herself and attempted to clean herself up with her own hands. Yes, that's right. I came into her room and there was Sadie feces all over her crib!! Just after I cleaned up everything from the blood!! So I stuck her in bath for the second time around and cleaned her up again. The nastiest part is that she had poop all over her hands and around her mouth. I hope and pray that she didn't try to eat it!!! She's asleep again after her play date with the boys so lets hope there isn't another disaster waiting for me when she wakes up. Harry Potter will have to wait next time.

Monday, July 23, 2007

My Seven Wonders

We hear so much about the wonders of the world. Here are the 7 wonders of my world:
1: This will always confuse me and will keep my mind "wondering" for a lifetime...why do some women wear a thong sticking out of a mini skirt with their love handles overflowing on top? Why why why!!! Don't we like to hide those things?
2: How did they live w/o baby wipes before they were invented? And what's in them that gets rid of any stain or smudge.
3: Why do people take the mufflers off their cars to make them noisy? Why are Harley Davidson's legal and why do some people put a three foot lift on their car? On the other end of the spectrum, why do others make their cars so low they can barely get over a speed bump w/o doing permanent damage?
4: No matter what evidence is shown, people still smoke!!!
5: Sadie, Sadie, Sadie!! Need I say more?
6: How Chase can get ready in 5 minutes and me...indefinitely. And how he can look so incredibly hot w/o trying at all. Love that man!!
7: How do you keep a shower clean when you shower every day? Baby wipes?

Friday, July 6, 2007

Happy Independence Day!!

We had a grrrrrrrreat 4th of July. First of all we all (including Sadie)slept in, which is always nice and just lounged around the house during Sadie's morning nap. Chase didn't have to work so it was fun to have his delicious smoothie that I only get when he's home in the morning. Yummy!!

We met up with the Dargers and the Jeffries at the pool for a BBQ. Later that night we went up to USD to watch the fireworks. They were far enough away to not scare Sadie and she had quarters for eyes as she watched all the booming fireworks light up the sky. Note to anyone who wants to watch fireworks near the beach: Beware of the marine won't see anything but a red, white and blue cloud. Oh well, we had great company and that's all that matters.

Sadie's little buddies

We are so blessed to have so many wonderful friends out here in San Diego. Sadie always has so many fun babies to play with. Here's some of her bestest buddies. Here she is taking a bath with Peterson Darger. We'll dig this photo up when they start dating 20 years from now:-)

And here's little Kayla Bingham who lives just down the road from us. We get to see her on early morning walks and stops at the park.

Sadie can just take her pick from any of these cute little guys. She's outnumbered by Tanner, Davis and Peterson 3 to 1!! Lucky girl!!

Us Mommies get along pretty well too. Here we are at one of our weekly pool dates.

Sadie's growing up!!

So we did a little experiment to see if Sadie would eat with a fork. She's loves watermelon and if we stab it for her, she puts it in her mouth. Hooray for Sadie!!

Lets go Red Sox

Well this was the event of the year for Chase. The Red Sox came to San Diego and we mysteriously had tickets to the game:-) He probably hid the tickets where the fruit loops and coke are stashed. Boy can that boy heckle!! He turns into a new person when he's at a sporting event. Even though the sox lost we had seats right by Mani and that's all Chase needed to get him through the next few months until he can go to a game at Fenway when we're back East this fall.