So, I'm sure everyone and their dog knows how much I miss San Diego and the perfect weather. I talk about it too much and Chase has warned me that it's time to "get over it." I realize this but it's especially sad when it's below freezing here in D.C. I guess Chase took pity on me and surprised me with a trip to Orlando over the Presidential Inauguration. I was such a brat when he tried to surprise me. We were eating dinner and he said "don't make any plans for next weekend, ok." The first thing that popped into my head was "oh, he's probably going to take me to another sporting event and call it a date." Anytime alone with Chase is fantastic but I've noticed that lately whenever we find a babysitter, we end up at some sporting event. I would much rather enjoy dinner (so I don't have to cook) and just snuggle somewhere. So I snapped back at him and said "so what game are we going to this time." He led me on for a while saying he wouldn't tell me and I could see he was enjoying my anguish in not knowing. Finally he told me we were heading to Florida and I felt very bad for being such a pessimist. It was such a fun trip. We of course headed to Sea World the first day (70 degree weather....amazing). I had a serious pregnancy moment while we were racing to catch the Shamu show. I could hear the same cheesy music they play in San Diego and I immediately started to weep. All the emotions of leaving San Diego, and Shamu of course, came flooding back. I am such a dork. I cry over seeing a killer whale. It was nice to see the Believe show again and once I got over the shock of hearing that ridiculous music, I suppressed the tears the best I could. Sadie was in heaven. She has always loved Sea World and was so happy to see her marine friends again. I have to admit that the Sea World in Orlando is WAY better than the one in San Diego. The dolphin show alone is leaps and bounds ahead of the lame one they have in the West. The grounds were beautiful and I soaked up every ounce of sun and warmth that I could. I knew what I was going home to so I took full advantage.
Sadie had her first trip to a Disney theme park. We went to the Magic Kingdom and her reaction to the castle was priceless!! She wanted to immediately enter and find Cinderella. We found that if you pay a mere $200, your child can be transformed into a princess with slicked back gelled hair, make-up, a gaudy dress, and uncomfortable shoes. Although tempting, we passed on that "amazing" deal (despite the fact we knew Sadie would have LOVED it).
We went on all the rides we could think of that wouldn't harm the growing fetus, and even waited in a VERY long line to see the Princesses Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Belle. While Chase waited, Sadie and I tried on "pretty pretty dresses." It helped to pass the time. Sadie was terrified of the Princesses at first but I bribed her with a lollipop to get her to be nice to them. Once Cinderlla asked about her pink fingernails, Sadie was putty in her hands. She loved meeting them but still asked for her lollipop when it was all over. We also saw Buzz Lightyear, but as you can see, Sadie wasn't too thrilled. No amount of lollipops could bribe that girl to give him a hug. I actually think he looks a bit creepy as well. Much better on film than in person:-) Afterwards she rode a roller coaster in Tune Town which I never thought she would do (she's a little timid...if you haven't already guessed), but she absolutely loved it and asked to go again and again. I love watching her come out of her comfort zone and try new things. Her favorite ride by far was the race track. She was insistent upon riding in a blue car (the Hudson Hornet from Cars). We stayed until the fireworks and Sadie immediately fell asleep in her stroller as we were walking out.
We stayed at the Mike Ditka resort which Chase and I thought was hilarious because of the whole SNL skit about Ditka, the "Bearsh and the Bullsh." Sadie was taught how to say everything and we all laughed even though Sadie had no idea why her little voice was so funny. The pool was too cold so we just hung out in the hot tub. Sadie made herself comfortable.
We headed to Sea World one last time before we got on the plane. Sadie played hard and fell asleep in the car the second it started rolling towards the airport. She must have been pretty worn out because she slept all the way to the plane, throughout the two hour flight, the 45 minute drive home from BWI, and the whole night once she was back in her crib. Chase was in heaven holding her the whole flight. She's a mover and a shaker so it's rare when she allows us to just hold and cuddle. It was a much needed, great trip. We left D.C. to escape the inaugural crowds and probably confronted more at Disney world than we would have at the Capitol. The weather alone made it worth the trip. Thanks Chase for such a wonderful surprise. I am the luckiest wife in the world!!
I got a surprise package on my doorstep the other day. The cute Jefferies sent flowers to congratulate us for growing a boy!! They were absolute favorite. How did they know?!! I love having fresh flowers in my home. It certainly brightens and warms a cold winter day. What a sweet gesture. Thanks again Resh, Lins, and Owen.
My brother Nick and sister in law Brooke welcomed their first baby girl on January 14th. I am way behind on my blogging but I had to announce this before I dove into all the other stuff we've been up to. Eloise is a healthy and beautiful little baby and although I haven't met her in person (she decided to come ONE week after I left Utah), I can tell from the pictures that she has her parents smashing good looks. I am already jealous of the long curly locks she is sure to inherit from BOTH her parents. They had a rough time getting her to come out. Poor Brook was in labor for nearly 24 hours. She's tried at first to go "all natural" (something I could never and will never do because I'm the biggest wimp in the world) but decided to have the wonderful epidural after she had already suffered nearly 20 hours of painful contractions. Brooke, as far as I'm had Eloise "naturally." It's fun to see them as parents but especially moving to hear from Nick about his deeper appreciation and love for Brooke. It really is amazing how a baby can bring you so much closer than you ever thought possible. Congratulations to the new Etherington family of three!!!