The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Valentine's Day!!  I get so excited every year and start planning my valentine to Chase weeks before.  It's my favorite holiday because I don't have to rush around buying gifts for anyone.  All that's needed is a little construction paper and glue and we're good to go.  Besides, I'd much rather get a valentine from my sweetheart any day than an overpriced gift. 

Well, that;s not entirely true. Last year, for example, Chase forgot to make me a valentine. He said he "ran out of time" and that it was stressful with a "new baby" and all that jazz. I guess I just had WAY more time and wasn't stressed or overtired at all with a "new baby." I only had to wake up every three hours to feed the little chap and live off 4 inconsistent hours of sleep every night for months on end. I made him a really cool one too. It was a deck of cards with 52 reasons I love him posted on each one. It only took me several days to big deal. I didn't post about it last year because I was probably bitter and am probably still (is it that obvious?). Anywho, he got me some beautiful jewelry for our anniversary a month later to make up for his stupidity and because it was so pretty,, he totally redeemed himself. So yes, sometimes an overpriced gift is just what the love doctor ordered.   

This year Chase was determined to NOT end up in the dog house (all I want is a stinking that asking too much?!!)  I woke up and found he had taken window paint and colored messages on all the windows, mirrors and glass surfaces in the house.  Our oven said "can you feel the love?" and the kids each had something written on their vanities as well.  It was pretty sweet. 

We made heart shaped pancakes with Nutella and decorated some more cookies to take to Sadie's class for her party.  I love that Jack sticks his tongue out when he concentrates.

After sending Sadie off to school and making sure she had her box and valentines, Jack and I got busy finishing up his cards too.  George was great at picking up scrap paper and putting it in his mouth.   I was feeling rather festive so we cut out some felt hearts and stuck them on our shirts.

Then.....we went out to the garage to take Jack to preschool and found Chase didn't stop with the windows, mirrors and glass surfaces in the house.  He got the car too!  At this point I decided I didn't need a valentine anymore.  I would be driving my valentine that day.  It was a little embarrassing but fun too.  Made me feel like a 100 bucks for sure!!

I got to visit Sadie at her class party.  It's always so fun visiting her at school because she's so excited to see me.  Love that little peanut!
That night we had Chinese food and chocolate fondue...of course...and exchanged our valentines.  This is what I came up with for Chase.  Inside was a poem:
All the reasons I love you so,
are million in number as far as I know.
Summing them up, I've narrowed them down,
to three most splendid and glorious nouns.
You gave me all I could want and more,
in three little faces I surely adore. 

I made this one for Jack with some Orla Kiely wrapping paper from a Mimi x-mas gift (yes I save wrapping paper:-).  Going along with the car theme I wrote "I wheel love you forever."  Chase made a darling valentine for Sadie that I still need to take a picture of.   

Here's the one he made for me.  I'm pretty impressed how he comes up with these ideas.  We've really started a fun tradition of collecting these cards over the years.  My mantle is overflowing with LOVE!

I also love that Austin has a wall downtown adorned with heart shaped rocks.  Awesome!!

Then we snuggled up in Jack's bed for some books that Mimi sent in a v-day package.  I love my little family so much.  We're bursting y'all!


1 comment:

Erin said...

I love that you love Valentines Day so much! You put John and I to shame :)