The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Back to School

Summer s-l-o-w-l-y came to an end.  I swear if I had to go to the pool ONE MORE DAY I was going to scream.  I loved the lazy days of sleeping in and making pancakes, but I was seriously craving some routine.  Just in time for school to start. 

Not gonna lie when I say it was HARD to wake up at 7 a.m. again.  I wish elementary school could start even an hour later.  These poor chiddlers need their sleep! Sadie was VERY excited for her first day.  She looked so cute and grown up this year!! 

She is in a portable this year which is kind of annoying but I LOVE her teacher so it's a trade off.  She has Mrs. Greene who is a little more strict but I know will challenge Sadie.  Our biggest complaint from Sadie last year was that first grade was too "boring." 

We couldn't believe all those text books! This year I've noticed that her teacher is really trying to teach independence.  Sadie is taking the reigns on her homework and needs to remember when it's time to turn something in. 

I had every intention of baking something delicious for an afternoon snack when he got home but the day ran away and I ended up taking the kiddos to TCBY.  I wasn't the only mom with the idea.  The place was PACKED!!

Jack got sucked into the television screens throughout the store and finally gave me this silly face once I got his attention.  What a monkey!!

His school didn't start until a week later.  He really missed Sadie when she went off to school and couldn't wait for it to be his turn. 

He came in to our room at 6 a.m. telling us we needed to "wake up early" for school.  He didn't need to be there until 9 so we had loads of time. 

Jack is going to preschool with 7 other kids from church.  He absolutely loves it and I get a kick out of driving him and his friends every Tuesday when it's my turn to car pool.  These little nuggets are always requesting super hero songs, "what does the fox say", and think it's pretty awesome when I speak to them in Spanish.  They just giggle and ask me to keep talking.  I love 4 year olds! Especially the dashingly handsome one in the red shorts and blue "cool shoes."

With the older two in school, I get to spend a lot more time with this lil' peanut.  When we don't have story time or our walking group we pretty much just chill.  He's my little shadow and will usually just tinker around unless I'm brushing my teeth.  This is when he insists on being held as he stares at me with a goofy grin while I brush away.  He likes to spit too when I spit out the toothpaste. 
George is obsessed with flags "fags" as of late so we usually walk around our street and touch all the "fags" we can find.  He gets the biggest grin on his face!!  He also loves playing with the train table and will say "choo choo" repeatedly with his mouth closed.  It's a very muffled choo choo that only a mother would be able to understand.  He also loves trucks!!  Whenever we are out and about in the car, he'll either yell out "fag" or "tru-cha" as loud as he can.  This can be a little embarrassing in stores.  We don't want to offend anyone but it's tricky when George belts out "fag" anytime we see anything resembling a flag.  This is usually loud enough for any homosexual within a block (or two) to hear. 

He's become more and more independent.  He goes to the pantry and gets his own  (snacks) or points to what he wants while yelling "dis."  If he can't reach something, he'll get a stool and drag it over to where he wants it to be.  He's been very good at rearranging my pantry.  He has learned all sorts of new words and phrases.  His latest is "cookie" and "chocolate."  Can you tell what this kids has been eating? 

The weather has finally cooled down enough to appease George's love of the swing.  He screams "sing, sing!" as he looks out the window.  He also requests a front row seat for the garbage "tru-cha" when he comes around on Mondays.   

Jack comes home first and then Sadie.  It's like Christmas every day for George when his two best friends come home to play with him. 

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