The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Sunday, June 14, 2015

4 months of Eliza Jane

This little lady is 4 months old!  This month she decided to start gabbing and blowing raspberries.  It's truly the cutest sound in the world when I'm driving around and can hear her sweet little lips spitting behind my seat.  Makes me want to pull over the car and get back there for a wet sloppy kiss.  I love her lips!!

George is still super sweet with her and has never done anything to hurt her.  Jack was really sweet to George when he was born too.  This must be a big brother thing (unless you're my big brother), because Sadie was anything but nice to Jack when we brought him home from the hospital. 

She's still sleeping in her little rock n' play but still waking up during the night from time to time. She's sleeps from 9-5 most nights but will sometimes give me another 3 am wake up call.  I don't mind if she wakes up at 5 because it's still dark and I can usually put her back to sleep. If I can get back to sleep then Chase takes the kids to school and I wake up with George and Eliza around 8 or 9.  It almost feels like "sleeping in." Lets be honest.  Those days are loooooong gone!

Such a round, delightful little morsel.  

She rolled from front to back pretty early on but then stopped doing it completely.  This month she's started rolling from back to front which I think is kind of silly, because that's supposed to be the harder one.  She rolls back to front way more often than the other way around.  

She's getting so long that none of her newborn pajamas fit her anymore.  I had to take a picture of her next to one of the first tiny outfits she ever wore.  So much bigger!!

All we do is nurse and sleep all day.  At night when the other kids are in bed we bring her out for one last feeding while we watch a little television.  She sleeps through the whole thing and it buys me a little extra sleep that night!

She's pretty good at falling asleep wherever we take her.  Date nights are pretty easy for us too.  She either sleeps in her car seat while we eat or on Daddy's lap.  

I know I'm going to miss this narcoleptic stage.  She's just so dreamy and I love staring at her and those sweet little eyelashes.  

If we waited around for Liza to wake up from a nap to go somewhere, we'd never leave the house! So she sleeps along the way when we go to the outdoor Austin Symphony or the pool in Circle C.  

But then after all that sleeping, she wants to party until midnight with Mom and Dad!

Avery and Sadie love hanging with Eliza after school.  It's like having a real live baby doll that you can dress and bathe!

I'm pretty sure a baby in jeggings with teeny tiny back pockets is the cutest thing next to fluffy bunnies!

Liza's been holding her own hands and can take out her binky by herself. She's also pretty good at putting it back in.  She also loves to grab her feet and rolls back and forth.  We can get her to sit up for very short periods before she slumps and falls over but we can see she's getting stronger every day.  

In addition to sucking on her binky which she's finally learned to love (thank heavens!!), she likes to suck on her tongue and lips too. It makes for a very silly face indeed!

We go walking every Tuesday morning either at Town Lake or around Circle C with my buddies and their kids.  She and Emily are becoming fast little friends!!

I'm slightly obsessed.  Can you tell and can you blame me?  Look at that deliciousness right there!

I must have been insane (or looked it) when I took all the kids to Great Clips for summer haircuts.  The boys were growing mullets.  It was time.  Eliza just chilled in her little car seat and was so patient waiting for her siblings.  I still laugh about when I was ever scared to take Sadie as a baby anywhere.  It was such an event.!  Now I take 4 kids to the store (although not very often because going by myself after Dad comes home is SOOOOO much nicer!), to the park, and anywhere else we have to be and it's really not too bad!!  Eliza's not the only one growing here! Mama's not scared of leaving the house with kids in tow anymore!

I had to do it!  Such a silly bathing suit.  It offered little to zero coverage from the sun, but those ruffles!!  Circle C pool didn't know what hit them when all this cuteness got out of her car seat!


I guess Moms that don't have time to be tan or put on sunblock anymore think alike.  Love seeing Jenny and baby Vesper at the pool.  We basically live there during the summer! 
We also got to see our other Cannons from Virginia this month when they drove down from Houston. They moved there this year so now we have even more Cannons living in Texas.  Look at these babies.  Alexandria is on her 5th and 4th son.  She named him Charlie.  Jack AND George were both almost a Charlie.  Still a little sad we didn't use the name but I'm glad Alexandra did.  He's a perfect little Charlie!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Happy Birthday Jack!!

Another year with this amazing little boy!  I'm beyond grateful that I get to be Jack's mom.  
He has such a special place in my heart and I just love him to pieces.  

The first thing he wanted to do when he woke up was open his presents.  No cake, so singing.  Just open his presents.  How could we argue with that?  So we celebrated a little in the morning, and a little more in the evening with some cake and candles!!  

More Hot Wheel cars and a big car transporter to put them in.  And because he goes through clothes like toilet paper, lots of new clothes.  
He's never wanted to eat his breakfast in bed, so he got a whipped cream, chocolate chip pancake at the table.  Just the way he likes it!

There are so many things I love about Jack.  I love his exuberance and zest for life!  I love that he finds a friend no matter where we are.  We can be at the park and he's picked up a new friend to swing on the swings with, or we can be at Torchy's eating tacos while he runs around outside with another little boy at a neighboring table.  He's just the friendliest little guy!

Along with his exuberance and "zest" comes A LOT of dirt.  Jack is BY FAR our messiest kid.  He gets food all over the floor when we eat meals, his clothes are filthy at the end of the day and his shoes smell like the lion's den at the zoo.  He is the true definition of the "smelly boy with cooties" that us girls would plug our noses at in elementary school.  No matter how clean he is on his way out the door to class, he always comes home looking slightly homeless. 
When we were remodeling his bathroom, we placed the toilet in the bathtub so the tile could be replaced.  Jack assumed the toilet would dispose of his bodily fluids just as well in the bathtub as it does attached to the dark hole in the floor (gee, I wonder what that hole is for anyway?!).  We discovered the foul stench a few days later after he had used the toilet several times without being able to flush.  This is what Sadie means when she talks about having 2 "stinky little brothers."  Ha!!

No matter how stinky, I love Jack soooooo much.  He's a little sweetheart and somewhat shy in new situations, but I think a lot of that is just his laid back personality.  He may look a great deal like me, but he's ALL dad on the inside!

If he's not playing with George, he's running around with Evan who lives down the street.  These two are as thick as thieves and are often getting into trouble.

Lately I've had to ask them "are you making good choices?" because in the past we've found them throwing Legos at the furniture, denting it in the process.  They've also been known to take sun block and spray it all over the house, cars and garage.  Those who make messes together, clean up together!
He's not a big fan of chores but loves helping me cook or rake leaves with Dad in the backyard.  If he chooses, Jack can be very useful!  Especially if he's promised 30 minutes of "screen time" after he's done!

(the one and only picture I have of Jack in a tank top)

This kid LOOOOOVES his tablet.  Almost too much!  we've had to limit it more and more because he can't get enough of it.  It comes in handy though when he and George have to sit through Sadie's loooooong piano recital!  He loves Minecraft which is actually kind of a cool game because he builds things.  He got a minecraft book from the book fair and studies it every night in his bed. 

Electronics are entertaining but it's WAY more fun playing outside, running around with the two dump trucks, jumping on the trampoline or swinging on the swings.  He and George can spend hours in the backyard racing around with those big yellow trucks. You can tell he's been learning about exercise at school because one day he came home and said "Mom, you need to get more exercise.  If you're a woman and you're lazy, then you're a lazy woman."  He said this to me after I decided to walk to the park with the family instead of ride bikes.  I was 39 weeks pregnant and even a short walk just about did me in.  A bike ride would have delivered the baby!  

I also saw him running around outside one afternoon and asked him what he was doing.  He replied "I've got to get my heart pumping!"  He's obviously getting more from P.E. than Math or Science at school!

He still loves his super heroes and will occasionally wear batman socks with capes to his soccer games.  He says "I wore my batman socks today because I wanted to get more exercise."
Chase and I are always impressed with what he builds upstairs.  Sometimes I get mad because he likes to destroy the tracks I assembled for George on the train table and make a new one of his own.  I shouldn't say "destroy."  "Embellish" would be a better word for it. He'll take tracks from the table and extend them onto the floor with blocks and other support systems.  If this kid isn't an architect one day, I will be very surprised!  He's a very bright boy and I'm excited to see where all his creativity takes him.  
The other night Chase asked him what he was going to dream about that night and jack replied:
"I don't know Dad.  My brain just picks it."
When we play Rummikub together he'll stop and say "Wait, I'm strategizing."

It's not every day you see a kid this happy at the doctor's office.  He's pretty low key about most things but when it comes to storms he's a basket case.  Texas storms are no joke and they've left certainly made a lasting impression on Jack.  If there is even the slightest hint of a gray cloud and precipitation, he runs inside.  We were walking back to Pops and CC's house from Sugarhouse park because the winds picked up and it seemed we were about to get dumped on.  The walk was about a half a mile and he stayed by my side the entire time until he had a clear view of the house at which point he began sprinting to the back door.  CC greeted him at the back door and he shouted "I've got to take cover!  There's a storm coming and my scooter has metal on it!"

He's always been my cautious one.  Getting him to ride a bike or even use the potty for the first time was a major challenge, but once he's figured it out, he has no problem at all.  I'm not sure he'll ever get over the storms though.  There's not much you can figure out from a tornado and having to hide in a closet.  Poor kid.  We might have ruined him!  But if it means he'll snuggle me a bit longer then it's a win for me!

I took Jack to Jack Allen's the other night because I felt like we needed a date.  He loved that the restaurant was named after him (of course) and he thought his hamburger was good enough that we came back for his birthday a month later.  So glad I've talked one of my children out of Chick fil A and Pterrys. 

Note the basketball wrist cuff and his soccer shirt.  He loves his sport clothes.

"Mom, ninjas can breath through their masks.  Don't worry."

He's simply the best big brother on the planet.  Everyone loves Jack!!

He's a pretty healthy little guy unless it's spring and then the allergies take over.  Poor thing can't even open his eyes they get so puffy.  
One day his allergies were so bad we kept him home from school.  
That pollen was totally wiping him out!
And we're the terrible parents that made him sit in a field of blue bonnets so we could take his picture.  
There's something about a puffy eyed boy sitting in a field of blue flowers that seems wrong to me.  
We won't make him do it next year.

He's the sweetest little boy.  He even brings me worms from outside when I'm not feeling well. 

Jack hates picture day because I make him wear "church clothes" to school. He basically will ONLY wear "sports clothes" whenever possible.  He has agreed to wear what we ask for special occasions (church, picture day, and weddings) but the rest of the time, it's basketball shorts, and dry fit t-shirts.  He prefers his athletic wear be adorned with some sort of "symbol" to indicate to the rest of Kindergarten that these clothes are indeed reserved for those who wish to sweat!

He's entered the time in life where it's important what other people think.  I'm going to miss his blind ignorance.  It's so liberating to have a toddler who will wear anything and basically run around naked if he wants to (George).  We've been putting lentil soup in his lunch and he devoured it for a while.  Then after a few days of coming home from school with his lentil soup, I asked him why he wasn't eating it anymore.  He said "I can't eat my soup because all my friends say it looks like throw up!"  I think it's time to add "A Bad Case of Stripes" to our family library.

He will NOT wear tank tops under ANY circumstance.  He says:
"I don't want to wear a tank top because people will see my armpities and want to tickle them. I don't want anyone to see me wearing this!"  He won't swim at the pool without a swim shirt either.  He's such a modest little lad! 

We had a FHE the other night about pornography.  Our bishop sent out a link to a great video the church produced for kids on how to react when you see pornography.  I thought it would be a good idea to explain what pornography is a little before showing them the film.  We talked about what you should do if you see it and that we will never be mad if they come and tell us.  Then I proceeded to say that we were going to watch a short video about what I had explained to them earlier.  Jack got really excited and said "Yay!!  I want to see pornography!!"  I felt the need to explain to him again that we weren't watching pornography, but a video about what to do if we see pornography.  I began to worry about what he would tell his teacher and friends at school the next day ("I watched pornography with my family last night!").  I then began rethinking the age appropriateness of the topic and this budding 6 year old of mine.  

We watched the film and I felt that perhaps we was understanding the topic a little better.  Then he went upstairs to get dressed for bed.  Sadie kept running into his room while he was putting on his pajamas and he kept screaming at her "Get out of my room!!  I don't want you to see my pornography!!"  
Yep!  He's too young for this topic!

(Are you loving these school picture backgrounds yet?  I'm sure getting a kick out of them!)

He may not want anyone to see his "pornography" but Jack has no issues talking about 'private parts'.  In fact, he thinks it's the funniest thing ever.  You mention the word "toilet", "underwear" or "poop" and he's giggling like a hyena.  
He's aware of bad language and had this conversation with me the other day:
"Mom, there are certain naughty words you're not supposed to say.  The 'D' word, the 'S' word and the shish words.  You're supposed to call your bum 'gluteus maximus' and your penis a 'pee pee' and only boys can say 'penis' and the 'nis' part is what makes it stand up straight and pee."  

What?  This kid is full of one liners,
When he and Chase were playing tennis he said:
"Dad, when the ball hits the ground, the felt comes off.  The felt is what keeps the tennis ball warm in this life."

He calls me "mom oak", Chase "Dad Oak" and Eliza "Chickee Liza".

He loves ketchup on everything and could drink BBQ sauce.  When we are at the Salt Lick he will ask you to pass the "Salt Lake Sauce."

He says 'legularly' instead of "regularly".  He calls Sadie a "hippocritter" when she's being a hypocrite. Sadie always tries to correct him and I kind of wish she wouldn't.  I love it how he mispronounces words! 
I basically just love every little thing about Jack.  I love his sweet smile across the table.  I love that he won't let me mess up his hair.  I love that he is such a great big brother to George and Eliza.  I love how much he loves to read and often find him with his bedroom light on far too late into the evening.  I love his incredible laugh when he's being tickled or chased around the house by Dad.  I love his big hugs when he gets home from school.  I love how easily he makes friends.  I love that he loves to do homework because that means he gets to spend time with me.  I love how much he loves me!!  Happy birthday to my wonderful little boy.  He's changed my life for the better and I will love him incredibly and faithfully forever and ever.