The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, February 8, 2008

Hogle Zoo

It's been a long time since I've been to Hogle zoo in Utah. They have made so many improvements and I was very impressed by all the new animal exhibits. I was especially amazed by how close you could see the cougars and other cats. Sadie was a little timid at first but after our second visit she warmed up to them. She at first kept saying goodbye to them to let us know she wanted to get as far away from them as possible.


Ricardo Pico Mora said...

hello mi recordada y querida amiga de verdad que me ha dado mucho gusto saber de ti y de esa maravillosa familia que haz formado. Sabes nosotros estamos muy bien y siempre te recordamos en nuestras noches de hogar

muchos saludos ven algun dia a vernos

Ricardo Y Familia

Ricardo Pico Mora said...

hola soy martha que alegria saber de ti que familia mas linda tienes te doy mi correo y asi podemos hablar cuando quieras, vale tu nena es tan linda como tu que EL SEÑOR te bendiga siempre ,besitos de mis hijas y de mi parte te queremos y te recordamos siempre martha mafer, gaby y karina.