The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, February 8, 2008

Piper's Quilts and Comforts

Connie gave me a gift certificate to an adorable yarn and fabric store. I used the credit to learn how to crochet. Seeing that I was in Utah for about 2 months I had a lot of time to learn. Jeanette (the owner) has classes every Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. I took every single one of them and look what I learned how to make!! If you live in Utah, you should take these classes. I had so much fun learning a new skill. I only wish I lived there so I could learn how to quilt. Maybe next Christmas.


Darger Party of 3 said...

Abbi, this hat is amazing. You are sooo good after one class? Wow! I love Pipers I went in there once and I have dreamt about quilting with all their amazing fabric.

Kate, Brian and Hazel said...

It's Kate (Claflin). I found your blog through Leslie Price's. Love the post, that hat is sooo cute, i have to make one for Hazel for my next project. It was great to catch up while knitting. We should get our girls together next time you are in town. Good luck in D.C.
I hear it's been really warm there...jealous!

Lindsey Jefferies said...

Wow Abby...I'm very impressed! How cute does little Sadie Lady look in that hat! Nice work!

*Leslie* said...

WOW! I'm so impressed. I struggle sewing on a button, you are very talented! I hope you are all doing great!

j and k said...

That is the cutest thing I've ever seen! I LOVE it! I just got my birthday gift to and I have to call! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
You are muy muy talented!