The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Nemo Birthday Party

Sadie loves Nemo. So what better way to celebrate her birthday than by throwing a Nemo party. Lucky for us the dollar spot at Target had a ton of Nemo decor which made party planning much easier. We had the party at the Todd's house so all the kids were there which was a total blast. I'm so glad Sadie was able to celebrate with all her cousins. Also her two best amigas came up from Fairfax, Lizzie Gardner and Moriah Mecham. We love their parents so it was really just a great excuse for us to see them before we headed back to San Diego.
They are "quite the trio." They're finally at the age where playing together is much more fun than hanging out with Mom all day.
I caught eveyone in this picure off guard. I promise people did have a good time althought they look miserable. Thanks for smiling John.
Erin with the new addition to their family...Jude. What a cute little guy. I forgot how fun it is to have a baby fall asleep on your shoulder like that. Don't we love how much newborns sleep?
So even though Thomas has a girly bib on, he is looking pretty darn handsome in this picture.
Lizzie trying to get the fishing pole game figured out. This might have been a little too advanced for a two year old birthday party but they sure loved what they fished up.
Sadie "caught" some Swedish Fish and I actually let her eat them. She couldn't believe that I let her have the whole bag. The poor thing kept stuffing them in her mouth because she thought any second I would wisk them away.
Sadie and her Nemo cake. Yes, I did make the cake. Althought the lower fin is much too large, I am pretty proud of myself. Thank you Google for having directions on how to make one. I guess I am officially a "mom" who makes really disgusting, yet decorative, birthday cakes.
Blowing out her candles once again.
Bombs away!!
Dad got Nemo's "lucky fin."
All that hard work for this!!!
Jess and Erin with their little men.
Opening gifts has become VERY fun now that she's figured out that whatever's inside will actually belong to her. "Mine" and "Sadie's" have become two of her most recycled words these days.
Lizzie gave her a singing chipmunk and Sadie was terrified of it at first. Pretty hilarious actually. It was one of those gifts that would entice Jess and I to dance in the middle of Target. It became Sadie's favorite toy by the end of the night.
What entertainment. Everyone is engrossed!!


Gardner's said...

Oh I loved the pictures!!You actually got one of the 3 girls looking at the camera, not smiling but looking-impressed! Looking atthise pictures made me miss you guys a ton!! Hurry back!(I loved the pic of Lizzy giving the freaky hamster to sadie the look on Sadies's face cracks me up!) Jess

A. Cobb Family said...

I love the Nemo cake! it looked delicious! i cant believe you have a 2 year old! She is sooo cute too.

Erin said...

That was so fun to read! We miss you guys! Moriah actually wanted to call Sadie today and you as a matter of fact. She said, "I miss Sadie." How sad is that? She hasn't forgotten her little bud.

Thanks for all the pics. Moriah is going to love seeing them.

Erin said...

Oh, and thanks for the super fun birthday party. We had a blast! Sounds like you are a professional now ;)

The Beckstroms said...

That party looks like it was so much fun! I am so sad that we missed you when you were in'll be back in August right!? Sadie is so darling, happy birthday to her!!!