The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, July 30, 2009

We miss Daddy

Sadie, Jack and I have had quite a week. Chase headed out Monday to take the California bar exam. He's been studying the entire month of July and even though he was hardly ever available to help with the kids, it was nice knowing he was at least in the same city. We miss him!! I have some serious respect for women who are either single or are pretty much raising their kids on the their own (resident or military wives). I honestly can't imagine having to raise these kids all by myself. This week has actually gone by pretty fast considering the day he left I was already crying my eyes out and had lost my appetite. It was a really weird feeling to be homesick in your my home. Chase makes our house a home and that's probably why I felt so out of place. Today was the first day that Sadie really started to show some irrational behavior. I took her to the park this morning and she wouldn't let me talk to any of the other moms. This is often the only conversation I have with adults the entire day so my talking time is precious. We ended up leaving with Sadie in a fit of rage. As I was feeding her lunch at home I saw her lips curl down and tears well up in her eyes. She said to me..."Mommy, do you know why I am really sad?.......I want my Daddy." I was already pretty mad at her for her previous tantrum but I couldn't neglect her sad little eyes and totally melted. We spent the rest of lunch holding each other and crying because I too "want my daddy." Absence definitely makes the heart grow fonder or break a little in Sadie's case. She and I can't wait until Daddy comes home again.


Kim and Corey Nasfell said...

Oh Abby, I feel your pain. Truly. Corey left when Skyla was 2 1/2 weeks old on deployment. He returned right after she turned 8 months. He. Missed. Everything. It was like being suffocated. But, I must say that the first week was by far the hardest. After that (and a LOT of chocolate and "whoa is me"s) I was able to get into a routine, suck it up and endure. I'm just so glad for you that he's coming home so soon! I'm sure he did AWESOME on the bar!

Morgan said...

Shoot...I wish we were more mobile so we could come and keep you guys company.

Hope he rocked the canasta out of the bar.