The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I forgot how hard those first few months with a newborn are. It really wouldn't be so bad if human beings didn't require at least 6 hours of sleep. We've been getting an inconsistent 5. George is great, don't get me wrong, but I AM SO TIRED!! Tackling three kids is more of a challenge than I thought as well. Before I usually stole at least an hour of the day for myself to either shower, blog, or take a little cat nap. There is literally NO time to do any of these things. As soon as I get George down for a morning nap, Jack wants to read books. I'll feed him lunch and get him down for his nap and am lucky if I have five minutes to eat something before George wakes up again. Eating has never been such a challenge. That's another thing that would make this whole experience a heck of a whole lot easier. If human being didn't require three meals a day, I would be in much better shape. NO TIME TO EAT!! Sometimes Chase will come home from work and I still haven't brushed my teeth yet. I usually still have my pajamas on too. NO TIME FOR HYGIENE!

It also doesn't help that this happens to be thunderstorm season. There was one night we had all the kids in our bed. Jack threw up on Chase's pillow and we were all so tired that the vomit splotches on the sheet were entirely ignored and slept upon. We are totally in survival mode around here.

George wakes up every 3 hours and doesn't sleep at all in the morning. He'll usually crash in the late afternoon and we're all grateful for a peaceful dinner with only Sadie and Jack's screams and whining to deal with. Chase said to me yesterday "how much would I have to pay you to go back in time a month ago?" Don't think I could put a price tag on that one. I'm just glad the sleepless nights are coming to an end, at least if George follows suit and sleeps through the night at 6 weeks as his older sibling did. Like I said before, "bliss and oblivion" all in one. We probably won't remember much of what happened since January 17, but I'll know that kids have been fed, diapers have been changed (sometimes too late in Jack's case) and we're doing our best to not fall asleep when reading books to the kids. We survived!!


A. Cobb Family said...

Im in a love/hate relationship with this post....i love reading about you and your cute little family but hate the fact that I will be in that same survival mode in a couple months. Im not looking forward to it at all! But with this not so easy pregnancy/kids being constantly sick I have learned to be ok with being in my pj's and not brushed my teeth until after Aaron gets home from work . Just know you are not alone and we love you and are praying for you. Ps I live in Saratoga Springs now so when you come home to visit family make sure you give me a call to hang out. :-)

Erin said...

Love all your updates and I love that last picture of you and George! Hope he sleeps for you very soon.