The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patty's Day

Those silly leprechauns wreaked havoc on our home this year. They left green footprints all over the floor.
They emptied Mom's purse looking for gold. Jack was clearly alarmed and distressed over the whole saga.
But what REALLY made him mad was finding they had knocked over his basketball hoop. How dare they!!
They also knocked down our chairs and strung green yarn all over the house!!
And to top it all off, those nasty little men used our toilet and forgot to flush!!!
"How did they get in here?"
Clearly, this was a desperate situation....
They turned our pancake batter green and somehow they turned Mom and Dad's eggs green too!

Jack decided that even though they pulled the outrageous stunt of knocking over his b-ball hoop, the leprechauns are "nice" because they left behind some golden coins and nuggets...filled with chocolate of course.

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