The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Sunday, August 19, 2012

7 Splendid Months of George!!

This month we have had some MAJOR breakthroughs and milestones.The premature graying of my hair can go on the back burner for now because George can finally have grains with out puking for three hours.  I am as pleased as punch!!  I was initially preparing myself for a child with serious food allergies and weight issues and I'm so glad it was only a stage!  The truth is, I started reading my scriptures daily in hopes that I could receive a few minor (yet miraculous) blessings and so many great things happened once I started reading with more of a routine.  Another little miracle is that my milk supply has really made a boost and G isn't wanting as much formula anymore,  Hooray!!!

In the morning I feed him some yogurt with single grain oatmeal cereal and he absolutely LOVES it.  He grunts with displeasure between each bite and I can't seem to feed him fast enough.  He doesn't like the cereal on it's own however.  I always have to mix it with yogurt.  He is still loving fruit and vegetables.  Lately I made some sweet potato and kale cubes and he'll eat those combined.  I always have a little mommy party whenever George doesn't reject new foods. 

If you look closely at the photo below, you'll see some little nubbins coming through those lower gums.  That's right.  G is getting his first two little lower teeth.  It's making him a bit cranky but overall he's a pretty pleasant little guy.  If he is ever ridiculously cranky in the car we have a funny little anecdote.  He  loves this song called "singing in the shower" by Sandra Boynton.  If he's screaming and we let the music play, he immediately settles down to listen and sometimes falls asleep. 

He can be pretty dramatic but most of the time he's a very mellow little dude.  Chase tries with all his might to get him to laugh.  He can usually get a few giggles out of him but nothing more.  He will have G play air guitar for the kids and G keeps the straightest face while Sadie and Jack just laugh and laugh over his gnarly moves. 

Another little milestone is that he's sitting up!  He falls over after about 5 seconds but it's so cute to see him checking things out with a little more elevation. 

We took him in for a weight check and he weighs 15.12 pounds.  Still 8th percentile but at least he's gaining weight.  The funny thing is that he looks really chubby with all his little rolls and dimpled fingers.  He's just not very dense.  Those rolls are inflatable!

Another plus of 7 months is I can put him in his high chair with a couple of cheerios and he's entertained for at least a little while.  He's also pretty good at getting those little cheerios in his mouth.  He'll pick one up with his fist and use his "hook 'em horns" fingers to get it in his mouth.  Very innovative little move.

Crawling is his biggest milestone this month for sure.  He gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth.  He's really good at scooting all over the place to get to where he wants to go.  No toy is out of reach for George these days.

Sadie is a great help if we ever need to feed G a bottle and we're too busy getting dinner ready or helping Jack with something.  He loves snuggling with her and a bottle.  I have a feeling she loves it ever more.  However if we are out and about, I can give George a bottle in his car seat and he holds it himself while guzzling the whole thing up.  Very convenient when we're at Costco or taking long drives to the outlets.  

We have entered the "too active for pictures" stage and many of them are turning out pretty blurry. 

He's also entered the "I can't handle life if Mom leaves the room" stage.  He cries even if Chase is holding him because Mom is simply the COOLEST!!  It's the saddest little cry in the world when he thinks I'm walking by to pick him up and I end up walking by to get Jack's shoes on. Poor guy.  For a third kid he sure likes to be held a lot.  He sticks his fingers in his mouth and just walks around on my hip all day.  His favorite spot for sure!

He gets a kick out of other babies and will always sit and smile at them.  He couldn't keep his hands off of  Miles at P Terry's the other night.  Had to get a look at his ears, eyes, and saliva too. 

Getting so big! We love you George!!

1 comment:

j and k said...

Love, love, love the pictures and stories about George! What a cutie! I love Chase doing the air guitar with a stoic little dude. He's a thinker, obviously! So darling!