The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Jack has always been an awesome sleeper.  As a baby he started sleeping 8 hour stretches at 6 weeks and when he got older we had to wake him up at 11 a.m. for the morning.  We had things to do!!  It's great having a comatose sleeper because NOTHING will wake him up.  If he falls asleep in the car he'll either keep sleeping in there when the engine quits or we can take his limp body up to his crib where he will sleep for another three hours. 

Lately he's been falling asleep on the way to church at 2 p.m.  When this happens (and it happens almost every week) Chase carries him in and lays him on the front pew.  Jack will sleep there through all of sacrament meeting, sunday school and relief society.  Even if we tried to wake him up, he wouldn't budge.  Heading to nursery with all of his buddies is out of the question! Sometimes Chase and I both have to teach so we'll ask someone to sit by him during the classes held in the chapel.  It's always funny when he starts stretching and nearly rolls off.   He'll always catch himself  and snuggle up for another few minutes.  This is when everyone around exhales in sync.  He's quite the entertainment for a boring sunday school lesson.
We can usually tell when we're about to lose him for a couple of hours.  His face looks a bit like this. 

A smooth car ride or a song in a rocking chair will close those eyes indefinitely.  At the end of his siesta we are rewarded with not only a much happier (and wired) Jack but some awesome bed head too.  With a name like Jack the rock star tresses are totally appropriate and too cute to comb. 

The only drawback from these long naps is Jack wanting to party until midnight!  We often find him in his closet with the light on building a tower with blocks and lining up ALL his race cars in perfect order.  He has become quite the night owl so we try our very hardest to keep him awake these days. A long nap is not worth the noise that comes through the ceiling when that block tower comes crashing down.  Especially during the wee hours of the morning. 

I only worry for his school years when he has to be at kindergarten at 7:30 and won't wake up!! I don't even want to think about waking up a "teenage" Jack for high school. I like to think all these z's are making his brain extra witty and smart to make up for all the missed school in the future:-).

1 comment:

Darger Party of 3 said...

Seriously this made me laugh OUT LOUD!!! Love that little guy so much!!