The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Weber with a Gardner twist!

We decided to share a little piece of the Weber with our buddies, the Gardners.  They earned it for being so awesome and cool.   
These kids didn't earn it, but we had to bring them along anyway. 

We had a great time hiking up to the waterfall, throwing rocks into the rivers and eating delicious hamburgers from the grill.

We also soaked in the beautiful scenery surrounding us. It really is a slice of heaven up there.

They weren't able to stay the night and Sadie was beyond devastated when they left after s'mores by the fireplace.  She just loves her friend Lizzy.  It's ok Sadie, I cry when I have to say goodbye to my friends too.
This was the first time Chase and I had ever been at the cabin with just our family.  It's a popular place amongst the Cannon fam.  After the kids went to sleep, Chase and I were able to snuggle up next to the fire and talk all night just the two of us.  This happens at home too but there's usually a television, computers, or iPhones to distract us.  I love hanging out with Chase.  I never need to be reminded what an amazing guy he is, but a night alone with the crickets chirping outside is always welcome. 

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