The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

7 Months

We are really enjoying this little baby.  Her smile is infectious and  she smiles at everyone!
I caught this sweet little moment with her and Sadie.  She loves her big sis and Sadie loves singing to such a captive audience!
She is getting some teeth so there are some grumpy moments. She's started breathing silly through her nose.  It's hilarious how she can go from this angelic, beautiful baby, to a silly faced little troll!

She's started army crawling a bit and is getting pretty good at the mobile thing.  Her days of just sitting like an adorable pink blob on a blanket at church are nearly over! 
I am in primary and I REALLY miss her while I teach my class second hour.  But we get to snuggle in the nursing lounge third hour which makes me very happy.  

She's just my little buddy and loves walking around with me wherever I go!  How can I get anything done with this face looking up at me?!  Basically, this is how we cook dinner, clean or walk around outside.  The koala gig is a good one for her!

Her days of falling asleep in my arms are numbered as well.  This rarely happens anymore.  She was tired and fell asleep while nursing.  It's my favorite!!  In fact, heaven for me would be a nursing baby asleep with a full belly of milk.  I always worry so much that she's not getting enough. I also love it when she falls asleep because she forgets that she wants to bite me.  This is a new thing that I was dreading!  I hate it when babies get teeth and want to try them out on their poor, undeserving mothers! 

I'm still pumping, but not nearly as much.  It's nice to be able to leave and not have to rush home to feed her.  I still have a love/hate relationship with the bottle.  I don't want her to like it more than she likes me!  Sadie LOOOOOVES giving her a bottle because Liza will snuggle with her.  Normally, she's too wiggly to snuggle anymore!

You wouldn't know how grumpy she's been by looking at these pictures.  Her new teeth are killing everybody!

We still love her despite her cranky cries and sleepless nights.  In fact, we can't get enough of her!

Now that we've started solids with this wiggly little thing, Eliza has discovered how much she loves teething biscuits, cheerios and puffs.  I love watching her little pincers pick up cheerios.  It's seriously the cutest and she's so good at it! And she's so much happier in the car with something to chew on.  Win win for everyone involved!

She checked out at Trader Joe's.  After a long walk that morning on Town Lake, she just couldn't keep those eyes open one more minute! I want to kiss those lips!!

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