The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Finals week

Well she's only been around for about a month and we're are MADLY in love with this little one. I really can't look at her with out choking up a bit. There's a saying that you love
your kids so much, you want to eat them....well I really just want to squeeze, kiss and hug this little thing until she's all gobbled up!! It's been so nice to have some visitors this week. We couldn't have picked a worse due date...right during Chase's finals!! He feels so torn because he just wants to be home with this little baby and has to study ALL the time. First year law students have a ridiculously hard schedule and I feel so bad for him right now.
Em came with Ruby three days after Sadie was born and it was heavenly to have her there. Chase felt like he could leave to study and I had company to keep me sane. I love my sisters. I wish we could all live next door to each other. My friends (the Jefferies) work for Jet Blue so they gave her some buddy passes to fly here. It was so nice of them!
Dad came a couple days later and then Mom right after that. They were so good at getting me up and walking around. We went to the zoo, Ikea, and toured San Diego a bit. I was pretty sore for about two weeks and I think it was good for them to have me walk it off. It was also mother's day that following Sunday so we got to celebrate with Mom.

I wanted to go to church even though I as pretty much still waddling at that point. It was my first Mother's Day and I really wanted to be sung to by all the primary kids. I was ridiculously emotional and it probably wasn't a good idea, but I got my flowers anyway and was later told by the other moms at the ward that usually when you have a baby, you stay home for a couple of weeks, if not a month. I'll have to remember that the next time around.

When everyone was getting ready to leave I was really sad and begged Em to stay a little longer. My mom asked me if I was scared to be alone with the baby and I wasn't ashamed to say "yes." I don't know what I'm doing!!! I hope I will be a good mother. Everything is so wonderful and foreign at the same time. My life has turned completely in a different direction. I guess I just want Em to be there as my "training wheels" for a while. It was so fun to have them here and I am so grateful they traveled so far to help.

Now that finals are over Chase and I can really sit down and enjoy this new precious gift we have been given. I plan to enjoy every minute of it.

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