The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Monday, June 11, 2007

Cannon Beach Bums!!

It's about time we updated the blog seeing we've been home for a week from the Cannon family vacation in North Carolina. We had such a great time and even though we spent most of the time lounging on the beach, we made a lot of fun memories and it was so great for Sadie to be around all of her cousins. Sadie's cousins Ethan and James are around the same age so it was awesome watching them interact. Ethan was walking all over the place and was a great example to Sadie. By the time we left she wasn't just taking a step here and there, she was walking as her only mode of transportation. This was wonderful for the beach because she had a lot more fun walking around and playing in the inflatable pool than she has in the past here in San Diego. Before it was just a battle with the sunblock and the sand on her face and that was never fun. It's amazing what a difference two feet of elevation can make!!

Of course every day, we had to go on a search for doggies because we couldn't say no to the constant "uuff..ufffs" from Sadie. I've mentioned this before, but she is absolutely obsessed with dogs. She has learned a lot of new animal sounds. She can do the elephant while using her arm as the trunk, the monkey, gorilla, cat, and just learned to snort like a little piggy. It cracks me up every time she does the elephant. She was drilled by the older cousins to say lots of new words as well. She can now say "duck, ball, moon, ma ma, daddy, dog, no" and a strange language we call "talking." She likes to read to herself now and goes off in this cute little gibberish as she turns the pages. She's also learned to give kisses but only when she feels like it and it usually ends up being a big mouth of slobber on your cheek. We're having so much fun watching her learn how to do all these things. She loved watching and attempting to fly a kite as well.

She turned into a cuddle bug on the beach. I think the crashing waves worried her a little so for the first time since she was an newborn, she actually nuzzled up and cuddled with us as we sat on beach chairs. Before she was usually so hyper that this would have only lasted for a half of a second.

She took a lot of naps on the beach usually in Pops arms as he watched everyone play in the water around him or build that day's sand castle before the tide swept it away.

Overall, it was a great trip and even the long flight to D.C. was awesome. Sadie is just a great traveler. She even surprised a lot of the passengers on board at how pleasant she was. We are lucky parents!!
Chase just relished the short time of not having to read a law book. He also gave up his five month resolution to not have sugar and boy did he give it up. He couldn't handle watching everyone eat candy around him and he totally fell off the wagon. He says it's the best wagon he's ever fallen off of. He went from no sugar to eating fruit loops for every meal, gummy bears in between, and m&m's for dessert. I've got him back under control now that we're home and actually had a little argument in the cereal isle over a box of fruit loops that we were most certainly NOT going to by. He says he'll just come back and get them when I'm not looking. It wouldn't be the first time. Once he bought a huge case of coke from Costco and hid it in his closet. I guess we can officially call him a "closet drinker." Obviously we have different views on nutrition in our home.

I had a great time with all of the other moms and we actually handed all the kids over to the husbands one morning and went out for a morning of shopping and pedicures. It was awesome!!

Also, before we made the drive down to the Outer Banks, we had lunch with an old friend of mine from college and her little girl who is Sadie's age as well. Seeing that we are living in D.C. for the fall, I think it's safe to say Sadie and baby Lizzie will become very good little buddies. It was so fun meeting back up with Jess at our favorite restaurant...Cosi.

Well I can hear Sadie stirring in her crib which means it's time to sign off. Until next time. Here's some more pictures of the trip:

CC and Sadie in matching attire for church.

Sadie upon discovering a doggie!!!

Sadie and her uncle Heber just chilling on the beach

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