The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Texas Bound

We are moving!! We've known for quite some time but I am finally blogging about it. To make a long story short, Chase left his job with the IRS at the end of May. We knew it was a crazy move but it was definitely NOT a good fit with his work, boss, and salary. We knew his talents could be put to better use somewhere else. It was a very stressful summer with Chase traveling to interviews, not knowing if we would get a job any time soon, and the no income thing wasn't very fun either. However, I can't complain that I did have a husband at home most of the time and that was AWESOME!! I am really going to miss having him around when he goes back to work.

He had "possibilities" lined up in a lot of different places. He even got an offer with a firm in Maryland but it just didn't feel right. It wasn't until we got the job offer from NFP that we decided Austin would be our new home. The funny thing is that after all the networking, phone calls, and who's who, the Austin job was the only one Chase just applied to with out knowing anyone at the company or networking of any kind. I guess you don't have to know someone to get a great job.

Chase will be working as in-house counsel at NFP (National Financial Partners) advising their clients in their employee benefits division. No billable hours!!! Chase is really excited and that makes me happy because he was miserable at his last job. I have to admit that even though I've said some negative things about Virginia in the past I will really miss the green highways, the trails, the seasons, downtown, the quaint little towns, and the cherry blossoms. I will also miss the amazing friends we met here. It's amazing how they become family when Mom and Dad aren't around. We will especially miss the Todds and Cannons. It was so nice to have family somewhat close by and Sadie is REALLY going to miss playing with all the cousins.

I won't miss the mean people at Costco and on the road, the mosquitoes, being inside all the time (due to extreme weather conditions..either too hot or too cold, Sadie's severe reaction to pollen, and the fact that the only time it ever cools down around here is when it rains:-), and the traffic. I am a little scared to start fresh in a new place. I've never been a poster child for change and usually get a stress rash at the end of it all:-) It doesn't help that we went down there to find housing and after four days, 50 properties later, we are still homeless. The cost of living is much cheaper down there but there are still a lot of bugs and I just can't move into a place if I see bugs lurking about.

I'm sure we'll be fine and I am so excited for a new adventure. I know as long as Chase is by my side, I'll be as happy as can be. He's my best bud, ya know? Austin is supposed to be amazing and I look forward to finding out why everyone is so obsessed with the city and the whole dang state for that matter. I've been told they think they're their own country. I found that to be true in some sense when I saw a dozen people riding motorcycles with out helmets and saw a topless woman walk by a police officer with out being arrested (I know right...this was in the middle of down town Austin at 10 a.m!!! I'm just sorry Chase had to see it...them I mean:-). So wish us luck. We move out September first and move in right after labor day, that is if we have an address by then.


alexandra said...

We will miss you so much. I am nothing but sad. ;(

The Cannons said...

Thanks Alexandra. We will miss you guys too. Lets do dinner at Salt Water Tavern next week seeing all of our food will be packed or thrown away:-)

Nesa said...

How exciting! We miss our Texas especially our Austin. Let us know if you all want any pointers. Jack is all set with the Texas Blanket, huh.

The Cannons said...

I know right? How funny that we borrowed that from you and now we are moving there!

Ie Li said...

I'm going to miss you! I'm so happy that you get to move to Austin. I've heard nothing but wonderful things about it.

Taunya said...

I will miss seeing you but what an exciting time. Good luck with the move.

j and k said...

So exciting. Selfishly I'm pretty happy you're only a few states away! That makes me oodles of happy. I'm so pleased Chase found something he likes too! Good luck and think "rash free."

Morgan said...

Wait a minute...did you just say something positive about DC?

Erin said...

I am a bit biased but I think you will really enjoy it. I'm sure like most anywhere Austin will have it's good and bad points. If you can get used to the HOT summers and bugs (just spray) you'll be great!!!

Good luck!! We are sure going to miss you. We'll have to meet up in Utah over Christmas. Love you guys!!

lbb said...

I seriously can't believe you're moving (have moved) to TX!?!?!? You are a trooper. I can't wait to hear how it's going!
Um and I LOVED going to COsi when I visited my sis in DC.
That's crazy Patrick chose Hand surgery! DIdn't know that! So cool. Where will they be living?
Well I can't wait to "tune in" soon to your update on adventures. I really hope that plane ride went okay. Man, I can tell ya the 2 hour flight is enough for me!!! LOVES.

*Leslie* said...

Good luck with the move and new job! That is exciting! Hope you love it there! I bet you'll really love the warmer winter weather!