The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Snow? We don't need no stinkin' snow!

Even though Mom and Dad are in heaven with this fantastic weather in Texas, Sadie has voiced some complaints. She talks often of making snow angels, and snow men outside. She wants to go sledding and play with Lilly in Virginia or Lizzie in Utah. I wish I could get her to appreciate how incredible it is to wear flip flops in January but Sadie is every bit as nostalgic as her mother. I too miss the snow (sometimes) but after hearing about Utah's red day inversion, I am happy to be where I am.
Cotton balls make great snow for the ponies to play in and we even found some old supplies I used in Virginia to make snowmen with Sadie's joy school. It's not snow, but it's the best we can do these days.


Lindsey Jefferies said...

I've decided snow is ok the week of Christmas only! You have no idea how jealous I am of your fabulous weather. I love my flip flops so much I've been known to where them in winter just to reminisce of the best days of our life in San Diego! Can't wait to come visit your beautiful state!! Texas Pride...right???

Ie Li said...

Patches? We don't need no stinkin' patches! I love Troop Beverly Hills. I'm guessing that was the inspiration for the title of your post.

We miss you, Sadie Lady!