The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Potty Language

Lately we've had to have some serious talks around our house (or sometimes in the car). With the whole Sandusky news breaking out I felt I had to talk to Sadie about coming to me or Dad if she feels someone has ever touched her inappropriately and to never be afraid that something will happen to us if she does. She seemed to understand.

We've also had to rehash the "potty language" vocabulary again and again. Why is it so funny to say poo, bum, and pee and boobies? I don't get it? We haven't gotten into the really crass words thank goodness but I feel I am always handing her spinach leaves at least on a weekly basis. Now for a substitution for a nasty thing to call her brother Sadie will simply say "oh potty language!" It's actually pretty clever and makes me laugh every time I hear it. She also has a friend who lives down the street who takes the Lord's name in vain as a frequent part of her vocabulary. Sadie seems to be a sponge because I've had to talk to her about not saying "oh my God" several times for the last couple of weeks. I've explained over and over to her about why we can't say that and I think she understands. I also told her that it's ok to ask her friend (or her friend's mom) to say "oh my goodness" instead. Sometimes I feel we may seem like the Flanders family from the Simpsons and I don't want to come off snobby at all.

She has really improved in the last couple of weeks and am pleased to say I think we have a handle on the situation. I'm just worried for the high school years when "fudge, shiz, HEdouble hockey sticks, and dag nabbit" come into play. She does say some pretty funny things too. When she's cold she's say "I'm FREEZING Mom. Turn on the heat busters." Who knows where she heard that one:-)

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