The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Third Trimester

This picture, taken by Sadie, was at the end of the second trimester. I laugh that I "thought" I was uncomfortable then. Looking back I wish I was still that small. My only real complaints are the exhaustion I feel. I LOVE the weekends so I can sleep in. Getting Sadie up for school every morning is getting OLD!! My back starts to hurt in the same spot every night around 7. That's also about the time my nose completely clogs up and I have to bring out the nasal spray. JOY!! Another annoyance is the lack of bladder control. The lower this baby sits the harder it has become to sneeze or cough with out having little accidents. I feel like I need to be potty trained all over again!
Once we've hit the third trimester, non-maternity clothing goes out the window. Once this shirt started to look like this, we decided to let it retire for a season...or two.
Other than the fact that I am COMPLETELY addicted to Afrin and somewhat dependant on Unisom, this pregnancy is going along quite swimmingly. I have all these desires to improve our home and get it ready for visitors and the baby. The only problem is my lack of motivation at times. Once I stand up I get a lot done. It's just getting up that seems to be the real challenge these days. I have all these furniture pieces I want to paint and the thought of tackling the project seems TOTALLY overwhelming to me. A nap sounds WAY better.
Chase and I got a babysitter and went shopping the other night. We ended up at Forever 21 and Chase seemed a little first. Then he noticed a men's section and I had to practically drag him up to the register as they were closing up for the night. He found this shirt and I approved not knowing that in a few days I'd be wearing it myself. Sorry Chase. It needed to be broken in before you wore it:-)


j and k said...

You look A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E! You are tiny with a little bump. So unfair! Loves to you.XO

Lindsey Jefferies said...

I know you hate being pregnant but you honestly look so so beautiful! We miss you guys! Wish we were closer

Erin said...

I AGREE... You are all bump missy! So dang cute!!

*Leslie* said...

Abby you make an adorable pregnant lady! Looks like you're doing great! Hope the last part goes quickly :)

The Beckstroms said...

You are teeny tiny and so cute! The belly showing through the gap in shirt was totally chic too, you should go with that look :) Hope things are well at the Cannons!!