The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bake Shop Party!

Throwing a surprise party for a seven year old is tricky work!  I only had two hours to set everything up while Chase took the kids out to lunch.  After they left, Julie and Kristin came over to help me whip things up.  Julie helped with set up and Kristin made her delicious frosting.  I had baked and frozen everything so all we needed to do was defrost everything and set it out.  The girls would decorate everything. 

Sadie kept asking me as I pulled cupcakes and cookies out of the oven a few days prior why I was making so many goodies.  I lied and said they were all for a Relief Society party.  She gladly accepted my story and was never once suspicious. 

I made the baking hats the night before and again she asked me why I was making them.  Relief Society got the blame again and I even asked her to model one for size.  Still, no suspicious behavior from the lady.  I was the most excited about these hats.  I made them out of doilies, floral paper and lace ribbon. 

The aprons were easy.  I just bought some white ones from Michaels, wrote their names on with puff paint and tied some pink ribbons on each side.  I think they turned out pretty cute.

Of course a lot of the ideas came from Pinterest and even though tin cans with floral paper have nothing to do with baking, I couldn't resist.  I also wanted to tie in the paper I used on the baking hats. 

All the guests arrived right before Sadie.  We got them all dressed up and hid them behind the counter so she wouldn't see them.

Sadie saw balloons on the door and was immediately intrigued.  She came in to see a big banner that read "Happy Birthday Sadie" and was still VERY confused (probably because I told her she wasn't going to have a birthday party:-)

She came around the corner and they jumped out yelling "surprise!"
Lots of hugs and laughter even though mom got a little teary...are you surprised?  They acted like they hadn't seen each other for weeks and not just the day before at school. 


We got Sadie all ready to bake and had to take pictures of her little party guests.  I'm glad we kept it small because had we invited even one more girl, we would have been pretty overwhelmed. One girl in particular was throwing sprinkles all over the place and was pretty hard to contain. 

These girls had so much fun.  We let them have free reign on the frosting and sprinkles.  They decorated their mini cupcakes first, sugar cookies second, and then dipped cake balls. 

They were so stuffed from all the sampling that when it came time to sing happy birthday and cut the cake, none of them wanted another bite of anything.  We still sang to her anyway.  I love her face in the first picture.  Priceless!

We wrapped up all the girl's goodies in separate boxes to take home to their families and then we opened up some presents.  Heavy Heavy Hangover was played...of course! 

A birthday party is never complete without a dance party especially when Sadie is involved. 

So glad the "mom guilt" took over and we were able to throw her a party.  She's seven but she's still little and had a great time!!  Couldn't have done it without my sidekicks Julie and Kristin (and Chase of course!!) 

Happy Baking!!

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