The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Monday, July 23, 2007

My Seven Wonders

We hear so much about the wonders of the world. Here are the 7 wonders of my world:
1: This will always confuse me and will keep my mind "wondering" for a lifetime...why do some women wear a thong sticking out of a mini skirt with their love handles overflowing on top? Why why why!!! Don't we like to hide those things?
2: How did they live w/o baby wipes before they were invented? And what's in them that gets rid of any stain or smudge.
3: Why do people take the mufflers off their cars to make them noisy? Why are Harley Davidson's legal and why do some people put a three foot lift on their car? On the other end of the spectrum, why do others make their cars so low they can barely get over a speed bump w/o doing permanent damage?
4: No matter what evidence is shown, people still smoke!!!
5: Sadie, Sadie, Sadie!! Need I say more?
6: How Chase can get ready in 5 minutes and me...indefinitely. And how he can look so incredibly hot w/o trying at all. Love that man!!
7: How do you keep a shower clean when you shower every day? Baby wipes?

1 comment:

J-me Boyce said...

All good wonders. I have wondered a few of those myself!