The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Staying afloat!!!

So just when I thought the drama was over after a month of Sadie being sick off and on she surprised us once again. I like to keep things positive so I am only writing about this because in hindsight it's really quite funny. One needs to have a sense of humor during these "desperate times." So this morning Chase walked into Sadie's room before he left for work and saw blood all over her face, her clothes and the crib. I'm sure he panicked while I was sleeping heavily in the other room. I heard her screaming so I geared up to get ready for the day. Chase brought her into me shirtless with remnants of blood around her face. He tried cleaning it up so I wouldn't freak out. I guess she was picking her nose (again) and got a bloody nose (again) and bled all over herself and her bed. So Chase went off to work as I cleaned everything up. I gave her some breakfast while trying to get her bed ready again so she could go back down for a morning nap. So a couple hours later I heard some cooing from the other room but I was so into my Harry Potter book that I decided to finish the chapter (2 pages) and let her keep talking to herself. Sadie was not blessed with a lot of patience ( I wonder where she gets it:-) and decided to take off her diaper herself and attempted to clean herself up with her own hands. Yes, that's right. I came into her room and there was Sadie feces all over her crib!! Just after I cleaned up everything from the blood!! So I stuck her in bath for the second time around and cleaned her up again. The nastiest part is that she had poop all over her hands and around her mouth. I hope and pray that she didn't try to eat it!!! She's asleep again after her play date with the boys so lets hope there isn't another disaster waiting for me when she wakes up. Harry Potter will have to wait next time.


jenny said...

Kids do the craziest things. Love the story and glad it wasn't me this time cleaning up after a childs mess.

Brandi said...

LOL. Oh my. What a fun experience that must have been. I'm glad Sadie is so "helpful" to change her own diaper.

When are you going to come visit so we can see you all? Hurry up!

CurtCannon said...

man... and you tell me battling cockroaches is bad...