The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, August 7, 2008

We've had some visitors

Lizzie and Jane finally came down to San Diego!! It was a short trip but so fun to have them here. I'm glad they were able to visit before we pack up and leave this paradise.
They of course wanted to take some scooter rides. I was a little worried about Lizzie riding seeing that she's four months pregnant, but she handled our little Tootsie like a charm.
I have some very silly little sisters. We took them to the zoo and I couldn't believe their excitement upon seeing the two large hippos. They both went wild over their chubby toes, buoyant bodies as they swam, and even their over sized butt cheeks. I was laughing so hard at their enthusiasm. I'll never look at a hippo in the same light again. I always thought of them as stinky, large, unattractive beasts. Leave it to my sisters to see the beauty in a 4 ton, two toothed, whiskered mammal beached on the sand at the San Diego Zoo.

It's always bothered Lizzie that Sadie liked her husband Chad more than her. She was very pleased this trip to find that Sadie wanted to snuggle with her all the time. It was pretty cute. Here they are watching Thomas the Tank Engine clips on YouTube.
We hit the beach and despite the fact that Lizzie and Jane both got a little burned (the former much more than the latter) we had a great time. Sadie just played in the sand and freaked out anytime anyone got near the water. I think she thought it would sweep us all away.

Their last day we headed over to Point Loma to see the light house and tide pools. We found a ton of rocks for Sadie to throw and seashells for the girls to take back to SLC.
Look at that cute little pregnant lady. Lizzie and Chad just found out that they are having a little girl. Alice Elaine Dalton.
Look at that cute "not pregnant" (thank goodness) little 16 year old:-)

Lizzie and I got smashed by an unexpected wave. What a beautiful place. As we were watching the surfers we saw a seal swimming out there with them. How cool is that?

1 comment:

Merrill Brower said...

Hi Miss Abby! Randomly found your blog. I did not know Lizzie was pregnant--thatʻs great! What a fun vacation with your sisters! Where are you guys off to next?