The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Coming from San Diego we are grateful that D.C. has a very mild winter. However, I still say that if it's going to be cold, there had better be some snow to show for it. If there's an inch of snow in D.C. the city shuts down. I think it's pretty hilarious watching the locals here attempt to drive on the wet roads. You can tell they don't get a lot of snow here. So when it was dumped on us in Utah we were overjoyed. I nearly got into two accidents. (The first, a car came down a hill and ran right into the vehicle in front of me. The other was on the freeway when a woman did about five doughnuts and crashed into the side rail right in front of me. I was driving like 20 mph so although I was a little alarmed I knew I wouldn't run into her.) Despite the treacherous conditions, I still loved every minute that I saw the flakes coming down.

We attempted sledding again this year in hopes that Sadie would enjoy it...WRONG!!! She went down the hill once and was done!! So we went home and made just about the cutest little snowman I have ever seen. It looked like it jumped right out of a Jan Brett children's book.

Sadie loved the snow but didn't love wearing all the gear. She could barely walk in it and the gloves we bought her were so big she eventually took them off so her hand could touch the snow and make it's way into her mouth. The big pine trees hovered over her to make a great winter house. She thought that was pretty cool.

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