The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Monday, February 8, 2010

Self Dressed

Sadie has become so independent that she's determined to dress herself. I can't zip, button, comb, or tie anything unless she has a tantrum from not being able to first do it for herself. Her outfits usually consist of a pant, usually pink (mostly shants), a twirling skirt, and most often, a large Rosemary Beach t-shirt. Of course the outfit is always adorned with jewels. If she's not wearing this, then she's in her pajamas which she recycles about three times a day. If she goes to bed in a pair of pajamas, we can guarantee she'll come trotting into our room the next morning wearing a different pair. I love her "no photos please" pose.


The Beckstroms said...

Ha, she is too cute! I love the pose too and your commentary, that is too perfect. Caroline is starting to want to dress herself and maybe she can get some tips from your cute daughter :)

Romney's said...

Love it! Viv is just starting the tantrum phase and it is wonderful! Sadie has a good thing going - she knows she looks good! I know Leslie said Lucy wouldn't leave the house without her Ariel costume and no coat all winter long - maybe she has tips for you and I.