The hampry happens to be Jack's favorite place to hang out. There are cookies in there for Pete's sake!! After dinner we'll ask the kids if they want one and Jack will say over and over again (very enthusiastically I might add), "YA, YA, YA."
It's also where the Gummy Vitamins are stored and that makes it even more of a magical retreat. He'll look up at me after he's already had his dose for the day and say "a beh, a beh" in high hopes that his cuteness and charm will get him another one. Usually I'm pretty firm in my answer but some days I can't say no to his little smile and excitement. What happens when your kids eat too many vitamins? I like to think they'll become bionic heroes or WAY smarter than the other kids, but Chase says your body just pees out the vitamins it doesn't need. He's boring:-)
When it's quiet we turn around and notice that Jack's just hanging out in there. It's a pretty fun place for a one year old.
Such a cute little picture!! Hey I saw your comment...are you sure it was our card you got back? Because we got yours, it's super cute and actually still hanging on our big wall of cards (I don't like to take them down, they're all so darling). Glad you are doing well and loving Texas, I'm so jealous of your weather :)
I know what you mean! I was thinking the other day that I should start correcting Moriah on a few words but it's so hard to :(
Glad you are lovin Tejas! Hopefully, one day we can join you!!
Your kids are darling! I love the pics inside the Hampry! I just need a Sadie and Jack fix. Please please move to Portland. Although Texas weather is looking MIGHTY nice!
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