The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Four Months of George

George is changing so fast right before our eyes.  Sometimes we see Sadie in him and other days we see a little Jack but it's been decided that George is George.  He's a Cannon for sure but has such a different look than the other two.  What a handsome little delight!  This month he has really gotten the hang of sleeping through the night.  There will be an occasional 8 hour stretch but mostly I will feed him at 11 and he'll wake up at 6 or 7.  It's heavenly getting that much sleep every night. 

He's really discovered his hands this month and is always taking his binky out and putting his fingers in.  He loves his two middle fingers.  For a while I could only get him to nurse on one side but he has since given up that annoying habit and is now a very efficient eater draining me completely.

He is smiling and cooing a lot.  Mostly he sounds like a canary with his high pitched squeals.  I have gotten him to laugh a few chuckles here and there but I'm not funny enough for him.  It literally do a song and dance to get him to giggle. 

For a while I could only get him to take 20 minute naps here and there and it was driving me crazy!!  Out of desperation I finally knelt down and prayed to know how to get him to sleep better and the answer I got was to quit swaddling him so tight.  He really likes to suck on those fingers and I was depriving him of that pleasure.  So now he is only swaddled around his legs.  He sleeps much better through out the day now. 

We blessed him in the same little outfit Jack wore.  He looked so handsome I hated taking it off so I took a million pictures instead. 

He is also rolling a ton.  He can roll both front and back, still hates tummy time and loves sleeping on his side with his two fingers in his mouth. 

His thighs are so chubby I find myself just squeezing them for a full five minutes.  The combination of soft skin and squishiness is just too tempting for me. He has really started preferring me over Chase lately.  Only I can put him to sleep and if I'm in the room he'll cry until I hold him.  He LOVES Sadie and is usually pretty content if she's around.

He still seemed hungry one day after an afternoon feeding so I whipped up a little oatmeal for him and he totally gobbled it up.  It's amazing to me that he just knows what to do when I put a spoon near his mouth.  We tried avocado and banana a week later and he didn't like that as much. 

He's the main attraction wherever we are and is always whisked away at church by some baby hungry mama.  He is so much fun and we love him so much. 

Happy four months Porgie!

1 comment:

L.J. said...

He is HANDSOME!!!!!

see you tonight! :)