The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Our three year wonder!!

Baby Jack is now officially a toddler and even though I still call him baby, snuggle, and rock him to sleep, he is officially getting too big for me and that rocking chair.  I love this kid!!  Sometimes I can't handle it and squeeze him until he freaks out.  I'm almost borderline obsessed and find myself holding my hand over my heart when I watch him sleep because he's my sweet little guy and he TOTALLY has me wrapped around his chubby fingers. 

For his birthday we thought it would be fun to go see the new Disney documentary about chimpanzees.  Jack wasn't on board.  I think movie theatres kind of creep him out.  All the kid wanted to do was go to the bounce house and eat some good old P-Terry's.  He and Sadie had a blast!!  Normally when we go to the bounce house with all the other mom and kids, Sadie and Jack rarely play together.  It was so fun to go with just our family and watch them laugh and run around together.  They really are such great little buddies. 

There are so many things I love about my little Jack.  I love that he changes his R's and L's into W's when he talks.  When I put flax seed oil in his oatmeal he will always say without fail, "wook Mom.  It wooks wike a wiver." He says "seben" for seven, "fibe" for five, and "eleben" for eleven.  "My weg hurts and I wuv you."  My all time favorite was when he said "Mom!  I'm shibbering" while walking back to the car from the pool.  Makes me want to just eat him.     

He's such a happy little dude.  I love how excited he gets even if the puck goes in on his side.  He'll shout GOAL no matter who's winning.  Whenever he and Sadie are racing and she's proclaims that she won by shouting "I win.," he comes back with an equally enthusiastic "I lose!!!" 

Here's a couple more of his one liners:
"Daddy, I have a duker."-when he needed his diaper changed.
"Dad, that room is too ghosty.  Will you turn the wite on?"
"Wook Mom.  George's bum is cracked open."
"There's a tomato outside."-when it gets really windy (tornado)
"Mom, I want some brestbis (breakfast)"  Sadie corrected him and said "no Jack!  It's Brectfist!"

He has discovered that watching golf (one of the most boring sports on television) is REALLY fun to watch with Dad.  He also LOVES Bob the Builder and knows the opening song by heart.  He'll sing it on command and with out hesitation.  I've noticed that after he hears a song, he memorizes the words pretty quickly.  I'm impressed with his current repertoire.  Another favorite song is his "excamater (excavator)" song.  While singing it he puts his hand in a fist and pretends to be the boom of the excavator with his arm.  He LOVES all kinds of trucks but gets really excited about excavators. 

I loved watching him open his birthday gifts.  It was amazing to see him dedicate time to each present.  Usually kids his age just open the present and toss it to the side so they can open the next one.  He was driving Sadie crazy because she wanted him to keep opening his presents and all he wanted to do was look through some of his new books.  CC and Pops gave him a sweet polar bear book and animal and as you can see, they're buddies now. We also got him some new running shoes which have officially been named his "cool shoes."  Every time he meets someone new he'll ask them if they want to see his "cool shoes."   

He's becoming very independent and loves to do everything himself.  He fills up his own water, gets in and out of the car on his own, and always want to help me in the kitchen while making his "brestbis" or washing the dishes.  We took him to his three year check-up and he was super shy with the doctor at first and then warmed up as soon as she said he was up to date on immunizations and wouldn't have to get a shot that day.  He is 38 1/2 inches (75th percentile) and 32.8 pounds (63 percentile).  He's growing like a weed and is almost as tall as his petite older sister. 

He's probably ready for a big boy bed and rarely takes naps anymore unless he falls asleep in the car.  We find him somewhere different almost every night when we go upstairs to check on them.  Sometimes he's asleep on the floor next to Sadie's noise machine.  Sometimes he's on top of her pillows at the foot of the bed and sometimes he's snuggled up next to Sadie.  It's never in his own room because he loves his big sis so much.

We've attempted potty training and I won't get into that now seeing as that deserves a post of it's own and I should probably keep things positive for a birthday post.  Lets just say it's WAY harder to train boys than girls and Sadie was REALLY REALLY hard to train!! 

We love, love, love our Jack.  He's the sweetest little guy on earth.  I love that he sings "somewhere over the rainbow and la la loo" to me.  I love his enthusiasm and "go with the flow" personality.  I love that all he has to do is smile at me and I'll pretty much give him whatever he wants.

Happy Birthday little buddy!!  I can't believe you're already three!!    

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