The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Sunday, June 17, 2012

5 months

Oh George!  You are going to give me some serious gray hairs!!  He is such a happy little baby but all I do is worry about him.  After hitting his 5 month mark I started giving him more solids.  He had handled oatmeal great so I continued with that.  At this point he was nursing for five minutes and that's it!  He is so aware of his surrounding world that I can barely get him to latch on and stay on for longer than that.  It's really frustrating because I know there's more milk in there and because he's not eating it, I'm not producing as much anymore. 

Isn't he a cutie anyway, despite his rambunctious little ways?  I really love this little one of mine. 

At his four month appointment he was 14.5 lbs and then went slightly to 15 at his 5 month weight check.  He is slowly losing percentile and it worries me.  He was at 40th percentile and I worry that with him only eating for five minutes each time, he won't be getting what his littleness needs. 

He's getting pretty long too!  Lately we've been sitting him up in his bathtub because he's getting so strong. 

George is totally rolling over from front to back and back to front.  He can now officially sleep on his belly like nature intended.  He loves sleeping on his tummy and sucking on his little fingers. 

Whenever we get the Dargers and Cannons together the little ones are usually sleeping at different times and one day they were finally both awake at the same time!!  Aren't they handsome?!
He has really become a finger sucker.  I tried my hardest to keep sticking a pacifier in but George LOVES those two little fingers!!  One day as we were busily running all over the house getting things done we found G passed out on his blanket in the living room. That's how you know you're a third kid if you are neglected long enough that you fall asleep to pass the time. 

The event that marks his fifth month would probably have to be when Chase was out of town and he decided to vomit for three hours straight.  It was terrible.  I've never experienced a newborn throwing up like this.  I had given him oatmeal around 6 that night and he started vomiting around 9 and continued until Chase's flight came in at midnight.  This is how he found us when he got home.  Both of us passed out on the living room floor.  We have since given him oatmeal again and he threw up again so we're taking an oatmeal break:-). 

He's practically perfect in every way.  If only I could get him to nurse longer and snuggle up every once in a while.  He's far too busy these days.  He's has so much energy and spirit!  We love our little Georgie!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

He is so, so cute! I need to squeeze that little guy :)