The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Rocks, Regattas, HoRses, and Rascally Relatives

The day after the wedding, the Cannon Clan (all of them minus Chad and Sarah, who inexplicably went on their Honeymoon instead of joining us) headed up the Weber.  Actually, everyone went to the cabin except for us.  That's because Sadie decided to have another spur-of-the-moment fever of 101.  So we decided to stay home on Friday night.

Saturday morning, Sadie woke up happy and ready to go.  So we piled into the car and headed up the cabin.  We didn't arrive until around 10 AM, so we figured we missed scones.  Luckily, everyone at the cabin was lazier than us, and we showed up just as scones were being served!  Sadie and Jack ate their share, as did Toots and I.  Special eggs were pretty awesome too!  We love Pops' cabin breakfastses.

After that, we headed on a hike up to the waterfall and to the natural spring.  G-man was in the bjorn, while J and S hiked; at least for part of the way.  After throwing rocks in the waterfall, and narrowly avoiding polluting the spring on several occasions, we headed back to the cabin.  On the way back, Jack was riding comfortably on Pops' shoulders.  The sway of Pops' gait must have worked some sort of magic on Jack, who slowly slumped over on Pops' head, falling asleep.
He ended up bent in half, with his head lower than Pops!  Totally zonked--no one could wake him up.  I swear he is narcoleptic.  He slept the whole way back to the cabin, and then for an hour or so on the couch back in the cabin, where several cousins did their best to wake him up.

After eating a late lunch and relaxing for a few minutes (and between G's naps), everyone headed out to "build" their boats for the regatta.  This mostly consisted of grabbing one or two slabs of wood or branches, nailing them together, and then writing your name on the back of the wood.  Some of the cousins got crazy, though, putting three pieces of wood together to form a yacht. 

Down to the bridge we went, where Heber, Curtis, Pops, Chris and I had cleared the river of any major obstacles.  Actually, Curtis and Richie had spent an hour or so destroying the beaver dam, so that there was a stronger current going through the stream.  Poor beavers.  Anyway, we ran three races, with Jack winning one of them and Sadie winning the longest one--which went all the way down to the busted up beaver dam.  Both were very excited with their wins, particularly once Pops announced that the prizes were candy.  It was hilarious to see the cousins all lined up on the bridge with their boats, a reincarnation of all of my generation of cousins doing the same thing 25 years ago.

Following the regatta, S and J just wanted to throw rocks in the water.  So we did that basically until it was dark.  Jack just loves being around water--especially if there are rocks.  He could stay there all day and night, and wouldn't care if he starved.  Sadie also loves throwing rocks, and this time she had some wading shoes on to get in and really have some fun.

After eating some burgers (Pops forgot the steaks, and had to run to Oakley to get some ground beef!), we put the kids to bed and then sat around the fire chatting.  I remember when I was younger I couldn't figure out why my parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents would want to sit around that fire and chat all night--it seemed so boring!  But it really is awesome just sitting around telling stories, making S'mores, and drinking Cokes.  Black Nibs also made several cameos at the cabin (hate that you can't get those in Texas!).

Sunday morning, Sadie and I actually headed out to do some fishing.  Toots also came along.  It was fun to try it out, although the fly on our pole was actually not a full hook--so we had no hope of catching anything.  But it was fun to show Sadie how to do it, and to be out on the river.  Mike and Richie had much more luck, catching several fish on both Friday and Saturday nights. 

Although she had fun, Sadie was much more excited to feed the ponies.  This is her absolute love at this point in her life.  She talks to them, rubs their heads, names them, soothes them, and asks them if they want apples and carrots (even though she feeds them mostly just grass).  It's pretty hilarious, actually.  I wish we could buy her a horse so that she could have one all the time, and learn how to ride.  But she is happy just feeding them a couple of times at the cabin.

Before heading out, we had a testimony meeting in the cabin.  I have always loved having church at the cabin--it's fun to just be in your jeans and t-shirts.  We got to hear stories from Mike and Richie's trip to South America to help soon-to-be-missionaries prepare for the missions, and then Curt's stories from his never-ending world travels.  The spirit does seem to be strong when you're up in God's country.  Love that place. 

Oh yeah... family pictures for EVERYONE!!

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