The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Trio Reunites!!

I got a text the other day.  It was a pretty exciting one.  John (my friend, turned husband of Jessica ie: funniest person on the planet) asked if I would go on a girl's trip with his wife for her birthday.  Was that a question? Did he even have to ask me?  Holy canoli!!! He told me Andrea (the other funniest person on the planet) was going too and asked if he should invite anyone else.  I gave him a list of who I thought Jess (she wasn't aware of any of this) would have fun with. I mentioned jokingly that no one else is as embarrassing as us, and he agreed, so no one else was invited:-)

These girls MADE my college experience.  They literally laughed me through the whole degree and kept me laughing while I was on my mission.  They sent scandaous pictures to the mission home, and calenders full of old memories.  These two make me HAPPY!!  So what better way to celebrate Jess than to fly to St. George and be happy together for a few days!!  It was bound to be epic!
First stop, pedicures.  Can't roam St. George Mormonville without looking perfect ya know?  The lady who gave me a pedicure tickled me so badly I almost kicked her in the face.  Then we went shopping and didn't make it to our condo to drop off our luggage until we went home to sleep...or not sleep:-)

We stayed up REALLY late giggling (because we could) and then wouldn't go to sleep because we were too scared to sleep alone without our husbands.  Jess kindly pointed out that the black and white ancestral photo of a creepy old man would keep me company for the evening.  It was almost as bad as when my cat Pumpkin died in college and they decorated my room at the Chi-O house with pictures they had drawn of Pumpkin dead in the ground with only his tail unburied. Meow. 

I had only heard of the Swig cookie that entices cars to wait around the block for a bite.  So we decided to do the same thing except we didn't wait.  We parked and walked in.  Lazy Mormons!
They wait in that drive-through for an hour and then eat one of these.  I'd have to say they're TOTALLY worth the wait AND calories!!

Which is what this fellow Jenny Craiger thought too until she saw me taking a picture of her in a Swig drive-through and bailed before even getting up to the window.  She was sooooo close!!  I guess it was bad for business being a "diet company" and all. But wasn't it "bad for business" being seen that entire hour waiting in line?

We spent that hour sitting on these broken plastic chairs in the Swig parking lot.  We didn't have to be anywhere and there were no children telling us otherwise, so that parking lot was where we'd stay for a while.  We ended up staying there long enough realize it had been hours and we had talked ourselves into a dinner appetite.  We also decided that we were really cute in our stripes.

We spent some time at the pool and wondered how we ever "laid out" for hours on end back in the day.  It was so bloody hot!! We also "oohed and ahhed" over Jess's perfect toes.  She could seriously be a foot model! 
I wore a bikini for the first time since giving birth to Jack because I knew the girls wouldn't judge the shriveled, wrinkled and stretch marked skin.  I had high hopes that a little sun tan would miraculously fade the tiger stripes and make me look like a supermodel.  Turns out, the stretch marks didn't fade one bit and the skin....well... still as shriveled as ever.  Upside? We got a pretty good laugh at all the disgusting shapes I could make out of all the leftover skin.

We played a little tennis too. There was a teenager on the court when we got there. We pretty much kicked him off but took pity on him and asked if he wanted to play with us.  I asked him how old he thought we were and he said 25.  I decided he should be my doubles partner.  Poor kid.  I'm a lousy tennis player and couldn't see with out my glasses.  We also had Chinese food the night before and with all the running and bending over to swing that racquet, the poor kid had to hear and smell some pretty foul farts as well.  I had no control over them!  They just kept coming out!! I think his opinion of how old we were changed after that.   

At dinner one night Jess and I discovered that we have the EXACT same color of eyes.  We had to take pictures...of course! 

Then we laughed at our pictures because we're immature like that. 

We also laughed at how messy we were at the condo.  Again, probably because we could be. No need to clean up after ANYONE on this trip!! We decided to leave everything in the front room on the table so we wouldn't "forget something" later when we packed up.  Don't mind the 80's prom shoes on the left.  I met up with Emily at the Olson's condo to get some 80's attire because you never know when you're going to need to play dress up in Texas. Don't ask:-) 

We decided that because we were in St. George, we should probably take a hike somewhere.  We went up Snow Canyon and found a trail that looked kind of hard (we didn't want to overexert ourselves) and half way through realized we didn't want to hike anymore.  It was too bloody hot again!!  And because we didn't have to, we didn't.  Trudging through the sand was getting old, so we found a cool shaded little cave and sat in there for another hour for some more girl talk.  I could probably walk from sea to shining sea talking to these ladies.  It's never ending how much I love being with them.
Then we had to pack up and go home.  BOOOOO!!! We needed magical powers to fit all the new stuff we bought on our shopping sprees.  I barely got my old prom dresses in:-) Andrea was the best magician of all.  I don't know how she got it all in there!!
We were VERY enthusiastic about the fact that some people switched seats with us so we could all sit together on the plane.  It's the little things people.  Made our doggy day I tell ya! That long 30 minute flight would be so much more bearable now!

At the SLC airport I starting tearing up a bit on the way up the escalator.  Why do all good things have to come to an end?  Why do we have to be grown-ups anyway?  We gave our hugs and I cried some more and then I called Chase and cried a little more to him.  I hate goodbyes. 
The only thing that made me feel better was looking at these pictures Chase texted me from home. I missed my little family.  It was time to get my snuggles on!
The trip was definitely epic.  Here's a big shout out to John for making the whole thing possible!! Us "embarrassments" are truly grateful!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Blue Bonnets!!

This year the bluebonnets were impressive.  We drove out to Burnett to snap some photos in the fields.  I didn't dress the boys because I intended to only take pictures of Sadie in the flowers.  Good thing too because narcoleptic (not really) Jack slept in the car the whole time.  I had to seriously bribe Sadie to take so many pictures.  You'd think that the older they get, the easier they are to photograph.  Not true.  With age comes power of manipulation and they soon realize they can acquire anything they want if they comply with orders. 

George wanted his fill of flowers too.  They looked so pretty, he thought he'd take a bite:-)

Mom and Dad jumped in there too.  Just for giggles:-)

Oh this little lady.  Sometimes I get teary when I think of her growing up so fast.  Some days I just want her to be old enough to wash the dishes and help around the house and other days I weep when I watch her walk into school looking so old and mature.  Words to the wise.  Don't read Knuffle Bunny Free to a large group of moms and children at storytime.  You'll think of your oldest growing too fast, get all chocked up and have to have someone finish reading it for you.  Aging is hard!! 

Today, I just want her to stay little forever!

Friday, April 19, 2013

I'm 33!

So I woke up to some delicious crepes in bed but was pretty disturbed to find my nostrils were completely deformed due to a nasty zit that decided to pay a visit.  I don't mind zits.  I actually love popping them, but NEVER in the nose.  NEVER!!

Chase made me breakfast in bed (he pretty much had to after I made it for him the week before.  Poor chap:-)  He tried something different this year.  He put an entire orange in our bullet (rind included) and "let" me drink it.  Bless his heart.  He knows I like to be healthy. 

Healthy enough to indulge in some delicious (and beautiful) cupcakes that Kristen made and brought to story time for me.  I LOVE HER!  She makes the best buttercream frosting I've ever tasted (she's up there with Backers).  I remember having a cupcake at the ward Halloween party and kind of never forgot about it.  I finally posted on our FB page that I needed to know who made the candy corn cupcake and she sent Mark over with a box of four.  Did I mention I love her?!

Julie took Jack after story time to her house and left me the afternoon to pamper myself.  Don't mind if I do!  (I love her too:-) George napped and I lounged. Later that afternoon Amy came over with some more goodies and a HUGE balloon (George loved it). She took one look at my nose and decided she needed to pop my zit for me.  Now that's a good friend! So there I was, a grown 33 year old woman, laying in Amy's lap while she poked my oh-so-sensitive nose with a needle.  I might have cried. That zit was a beast!! 

Chase and I went to Torchie's that night with some friends and then he gave me the best gift of all.  TIME!!  I had ALL day Saturday to do whatever I wanted. So I headed to H&M, Anthropology, and Forever 21.  I might have left the house at 10:30 and didn't come home until 6.  I didn't invite a friend to go with me because I didn't want to waste my precious alone time shopping in stores I didn't want to, or waiting for that said friend to try something on.  There just wan't enough time!!
There was one point at the end of my rendesvous when I started to feel a little faint while waiting in line at Forever 21.  I started swaying a little and realized that I hadn't eaten anything!  I guess when I don't have kids to feed, I forget to feed myself!  I devoured a Cliff Bar and felt much better.  Kept me going for another hour of "alone time."  Mommy needed a time-out and she got one!!

Got these fantastic $3.00 glasses.  Chase says I look like a bug.  Well, I'm a happy bug.  That's for sure!! Happy Birthday to me!! I'm 33! Skippidedee! I'd like some tea, under a tree, watch out for the bee, I'd better flee, oh golly gee!! Clearly it's time for me to go to bed now.....

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Belated Easter Sunday

The only sad thing about not going to church on Easter Sunday was not getting my Easter picture of the kiddos in their outfits. I made it happen, just a few weeks later!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Can I first of all just say how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE my friends!!  They tricked me and threw me a surprise party!!  Julie was the mastermind behind it all and it was soooooo much fun.  I thought I was going to dinner with two of my friends who would be out of town for my actual birthday but when I showed up to my favorite Indian restaurant I was greeted by a table of the ugliest women I've ever seen congregated in one place.  They were all wearing Billy Bob Teeth!!  Of course they were!!  I immediately burst into tears and continued to cry through out the night from laughing too hard.  I love that I'm surrounded by women who don't care if they go to the store in their sweats once in a while, who are totally down to earth, who make me laugh, who make me stay out WAY too late talking, and will be ugly with me in their billy bob teeth. 

The best part of the night was when I was handed my own pair of fake teeth and realized I actually already had a pair in my purse.  They were still in there from Halloween in a hidden pocket, but we all thought it was pretty hilarious that I actually carry them around with me everywhere, even if subconsciously:-)

Aren't we a gorgeous bunch!!  Oh how much I love these women!!! We have so much fun together!  I felt so honored that they would all be hideous with me that night and so grateful to have such amazing friends in my life.  Feeling very blessed!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Chase!!

I love that his Mom's letter came in the mail the night before so I could put it on his tray for breakfast in bed.  I made creme brulee french toast and it was AMAZING!!

Love him from his head to his nasty cold sore, down to his toes!!

We made chocolate cake and went into NFP for some celebrating!!  I love the people Chase works with .  It's always a party when we head over there.

Normally I make him his traditional shepherd's pie dinner for his birthday but his friend Nate from high school was in town and happened to be the brother-in-law of our really good friends in the ward, so we all went to the Salt Lick to celebrate Texas style.  Don't mind if I do! They got Chase a pair of Handerpants.  

It was really fun hanging out with everyone. We were able to have an FHE with Nate and the Hilton's earlier that week too.  So glad he was able to hang with one of his old buddies. 

I did still make his shepherd's pie and favorite cake.  We just had it the next day instead. 

I love Jack's face in this picture.  So animated!! 
Happy Birthday to the greatest guy on the planet (wearing a sorority Chi Omega t-shirt:-)