The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, April 19, 2013

I'm 33!

So I woke up to some delicious crepes in bed but was pretty disturbed to find my nostrils were completely deformed due to a nasty zit that decided to pay a visit.  I don't mind zits.  I actually love popping them, but NEVER in the nose.  NEVER!!

Chase made me breakfast in bed (he pretty much had to after I made it for him the week before.  Poor chap:-)  He tried something different this year.  He put an entire orange in our bullet (rind included) and "let" me drink it.  Bless his heart.  He knows I like to be healthy. 

Healthy enough to indulge in some delicious (and beautiful) cupcakes that Kristen made and brought to story time for me.  I LOVE HER!  She makes the best buttercream frosting I've ever tasted (she's up there with Backers).  I remember having a cupcake at the ward Halloween party and kind of never forgot about it.  I finally posted on our FB page that I needed to know who made the candy corn cupcake and she sent Mark over with a box of four.  Did I mention I love her?!

Julie took Jack after story time to her house and left me the afternoon to pamper myself.  Don't mind if I do!  (I love her too:-) George napped and I lounged. Later that afternoon Amy came over with some more goodies and a HUGE balloon (George loved it). She took one look at my nose and decided she needed to pop my zit for me.  Now that's a good friend! So there I was, a grown 33 year old woman, laying in Amy's lap while she poked my oh-so-sensitive nose with a needle.  I might have cried. That zit was a beast!! 

Chase and I went to Torchie's that night with some friends and then he gave me the best gift of all.  TIME!!  I had ALL day Saturday to do whatever I wanted. So I headed to H&M, Anthropology, and Forever 21.  I might have left the house at 10:30 and didn't come home until 6.  I didn't invite a friend to go with me because I didn't want to waste my precious alone time shopping in stores I didn't want to, or waiting for that said friend to try something on.  There just wan't enough time!!
There was one point at the end of my rendesvous when I started to feel a little faint while waiting in line at Forever 21.  I started swaying a little and realized that I hadn't eaten anything!  I guess when I don't have kids to feed, I forget to feed myself!  I devoured a Cliff Bar and felt much better.  Kept me going for another hour of "alone time."  Mommy needed a time-out and she got one!!

Got these fantastic $3.00 glasses.  Chase says I look like a bug.  Well, I'm a happy bug.  That's for sure!! Happy Birthday to me!! I'm 33! Skippidedee! I'd like some tea, under a tree, watch out for the bee, I'd better flee, oh golly gee!! Clearly it's time for me to go to bed now.....

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