The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Faces of George

George is full of expression and he's not afraid to show it!! We all get a pretty big kick out of all the faces he makes.
This is the "I want to watch choo choo's on your iPhone.  I won't eat if you don't pull up YouTube RIGHT NOW" face.   

This is the "really? I mean REALLY?!!" face.

"You can't entertain me with sugar packets for long" face. 

"I'm bored and I want my BBQ already!!" face.

 "I love talking to my dad on Facetime but I HATE saying goodbye" face.

"My name is Mildred" face.

"Peek a boo!" face.

"Thanks for the pouch of squash.  I can do no wrong and I'm completely innocent, but I'm ready to get out now and reek havoc on Target" face 
 This is the "I love my Mom and I love looking at myself on her camera" face. 

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