The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Festivities

The Lunt's invited us over for Christmas Eve and it was so fun!!  I love that a portion of the night was dedicated to sharing with everyone something you had worked on that year.  It was a mini talent show and everyone had something wonderful to share!

Sadie was able to play Away in a Manger.  She worked so hard learning it so I was happy she was able to perform it more than once.  Of course she sounded wonderful!
Melanie asked Chase to bring his cello, so we played We Three Kings. Mel was hoping to get Easton fired up to play the cello as well. 

Everyone brought something delicious to share.  There were five different soups, lots of rolls, and tasty desserts.  George was VERY excited about the puppy running all over the place and made it a point to follow him everywhere. 

After dinner we all piled in the back of Craig's truck and trailer for some "Texas style" caroling to all the neighbors.  We pretty much sang Jingle Bells over and over again because it was the only song all the kiddos knew.  I invited the sister missionaries to come along too and it was great knowing they weren't home alone and keeping busy on Christmas eve. 
Unfortunately, one sister started feeling sick so they went home after we went back for dessert.  I guess they needed a blessing that night so even though I just wanted to hog my Chase on such a special night, he went over there with Brady to give them a blessing.  He helped me put George to bed and we opened our pajamas before he took off.  The kids LOVED them!! 
It's hard being away from home during the holidays so hopefully Chase and Brady were able to give the sisters some comfort.  I wasn't thrilled that he left but we had fun anyway spreading our reindeer food and reading books until he got back. 
He got back right after Jack fell asleep on the couch.  Christmas eve tuckered the little guy out!!
We put the littles to bed and cozied up around the fire.  It was time to play Santa and we did a pretty good job, all before midnight.  It was a fantastic evening with family and friends.  It makes not going back to Utah for the holidays more bearable.  We love our Texas family!!

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