The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, December 20, 2013

Drowning in December

I'm pretty much convinced Austin had the plague this December! Everyone and their dog was sick! It started after Thanksgiving when EVERY family that ate at the Hurst's home got the stomach bug. Coincidence? I think not!! Sadie got it first, then George, then Jack, then I got strep, then Sadie got strep, and to top it all off, Chase got the stomach bug AND strep. It was KILLER!! We had this long list of fun activities for our holiday advent and after this year I've decided to just fill the advent with candy.  That way the kids will stop checking what activity they'll inevitably miss out on because someone is too sick to go.  We did manage to do a lot of fun things and pretty much crammed them into the few weeks and weekends we were healthy (or on antibiotics:-).
We got our lights up!  Chase hung all the lights on the day he took work off for strep.  He was feeling great after his antibiotics kicked in, so we put him to work!!

I still can't get over the fall leaves arriving two months late in Austin.  They were especially beautiful this year because of the frosty low temperatures.  It was COLD!!
When you're sick and stuck inside because it's 20 degrees, you get a reindeer template and make garland.  That Santa sleigh was tricky!!  The whole thing took me close to three hours to cut.  Geez!!  Good thing George takes a long afternoon nap (sometimes:-). 

We made it to the Wildflower center to see the Illuminations and hear the fun music.  We loved all the crafts inside too.  I also loved watching Jack concentrate while using scissors.  A true Etherington always opens his mouth while doing something tricky. I was laughing with the woman across from me when she pointed out that I did the exact same thing when I was cutting up my snowflake.  Chip off the ol' block!
George thought it was fun to throw dirt on all the candles.  We had a lot of fun trying to stop him.
Another fun event happened while making our Sunday nachos.  The oven started sparking!  We feared an electrical fire and called the fire department.  It's not everyday that shiny red truck shows up to your very own house.  The kids were amazed!!  The top oven is not obviously broken so Sadie put a note on the front saying "DO NOT USE! Oven was on FIRE! Coution: do not put stuff in oven under age 19."  She's looking out for us all.  There's also another note on the oven that says "I love you Mom, even when you're frustrated."  Thanks Sades.  

We decorated our tree putting all the soft, unbreakable ornaments on the bottom for our Curious George.  Also whipped out our gingerbread house.  I obviously have control issues when it comes to making and decorating Christmas treats.  In my defense, I let them put the candy on (after I told them where to put it....).
And because of my control issues, only I can bake, frost, and package the neighbor gifts.  I say this every year but TRULY, I am not doing the 4 different cookies again next year.  It's too much work and when the cookies break in their bags, I cry a little inside.  It was easy in the Etherington home because we had an assembly line going on over there.  We all did a different cookie and all helped decorate.  This is NOT a one woman job.  Next year the neighbors are getting Martinelli's.
I did have a pretty fun time delivering some of them with the scooter.  I felt a little like the Jolly Postman!
The wonderful and talented Macy Robison took our family pictures this year.  They turned out great!  I should have made it a New Years card because that's about what time some recipients got them.  Oh well.  Better luck next year.
Jack's preschool program was fantastic!  I love having him in a private Christian preschool where it's not against the law to celebrate Christ and his birth.  They sang the sweetest songs and did such a great job in their little beautiful vibrant costumes.  I was also pleased as punch that they put my little Jack front and center on stage.  It was very "wise" of them:-)

We were brave enough to hit the Trail of Lights this year.  We avoid crowds as much as possible but this seemed too good to pass up.  SO glad we went.  It wasn't too crowded and the lights were spectacular!!

George giggled every time the flash went off for a picture.  It was hilarious.  I love the Austin skyline in the background (and my cute little reindeer:-).
Sadie wowed us all at her piano recital!  She was the only student who had memorized her pieces. I love that they perform at an assisted living center every year.  On the way there Sadie mentioned that it would be ok if she made a mistake during her performance because "the old people won't care."  It's great to see Sadie learning to serve others at such a young age. She held it together even when the cute little ladies started singing along as she played Away in a Manger.

Lights, lights and more lights.  We love driving around Austin to see all the beautiful (and tacky) Christmas displays.  George especially loved one house adorned with model trains.  He kicked his legs with excitement!
George was a trooper through it all.  He managed to survive all the Christmas shopping and found a few friends along the way. 
The hardest part was trying to keep him awake on the way home.  Sometimes we just gave up and so did George. 

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