The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, May 16, 2014

Sadie's Swim Party!!

This year I had a MAJOR epiphany.  Birthday parties can be easy!!  After all the time I had invested in Sadie's baptism, I was totally not wanting to even throw her a birthday party.  My mom insisted that Sadie still needed one and, because she would be in town, she would help so I decided to take the plunge...literally!  It was such an easy party to throw because it wasn't at my house.  The hardest part about throwing a party is getting your house cleaned and then cleaning the whole mess up afterwards.  This year I booked a reservation at our community pool  and it was the BEST decision I've ever made (regarding birthday parties...that is).  All I had to do was show up, decorate a little and let the kids swim around for a few hours.  Easy peasy!!  I don't think I can ever go back to a Pinterest themed birthday party ever again.  

My mom and I hit the dollar store the day before and totally scored on cute little straw hats and flip flops.  I can't stand it when my kids come home from a party with a bag chucked full of cheap candy.  Instead of a bag of tootsie rolls and lollipops, each girl went home totally accessorized!

I scored on the cake too. Who knew my local HEB could make such an adorable, "beachy" little cake.  It tasted delicious too.  I love the shot below of Jim and Connie looking totally thrilled and excited to be at Sadie's party.  It was so fun having all of Sadie's grandparents at her party. 

Here's all the darling little girls.  They had such a great time!!

Sadie and her best friend Avery! 
Little Emma works in the nursery with her mom Marisol and they have become quite attached to our chubby Georgie Porge.  All Emma wanted to do was play with George in the pool. 

Some thought the weather was perfect.  Others thought it was FREEZING!! 

The greatest part about the party was that the pizza was made at the café next door, and it was delicious too!

It was too windy to light the candles which made for a great laugh when Sadie pretended to blow the absent flames anyway.

Next up, "heavy heavy hangover" and presents!

Sadie was a perfect hostess and was very good at thanking every girl for her gift.  I loved watching their excitement as she opened each one.  They got a big kick out of the singing card that Ava gave her.

While waiting for parents to arrive, they played in the sand and picked out their party gifts.  They all looked so cute in their little hats.  Who knew the dollar store was so fashionable?!

It was as easy to clean up as it was to put together.  I'm totally sold!!  Jack is totally having a swim party too.  Happy Birthday Sadie.  We all love you!!

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