The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, May 8, 2015

Happy Birthday Sadie Lady!

This little peanut isn't a peanut anymore.  Well, she's still a little peanut to me.  Still wearing a size 7 even though she's 9 qualifies for "peanutness" if you ask me.  Where has the time gone?  WE HAVE A 9 YEAR OLD!!  I can't believe it. She's basically the cutest little 9 year old on the planet.  I love her to pieces!!  She has become such a sweet little companion this last year.  When she gets home from school, we crawls into my bed with me and wants to tell me all about her day.  If the other boys come in, she says she wants to just have "mommy/Sadie time."   I hear ya Sadie!!  Those stinky little brothers are always getting in the way of our girl time!!
She may look poised and beautiful in this picture, but Sadie has a crazy side to her as well, and probably the best laugh EVER!!  I'm actually quite jealous of her laugh.  I've never been very fond of mine and she's got an awesome belly laugh.  I'm also jealous of her eyebrows.  They're perfect!  I have to color my non existent ones in.  I hope she appreciates her perfectly plush eyebrows one day when she starts to care about those silly things.  

Sadie is always wanting to make crazy videos of herself and her friends.  This picture just about knocked me down when I first saw it.  Such a proud moment for this Billy Bob wearing momma!!

She cleans up real nice when we can get her to shower and actually dry her hair.  Lately we've been having a few chats about "taking care of yourself."  I've noticed she's been very good about brushing and flossing her teeth on her own every night.  She loves brushing her hair but oftentimes she wants to still wear the same thing to school everyday and goes with her hair all kinked from sleeping with it wet the night before.  She does bathe herself at this point which is a huge plus.  I've asked her if she wants to learn how to use the curling iron.  She hasn't agreed to this yet.  I think it scares her.  But honestly, in this humidity, there's really no point!

Sadie is so much fun!!  She's never been a girl afraid of getting dirty and is usually the first one up a tree or jumping into a waterhole.  I love her vivacious and BIG personality.  Truly a delight (when she wants to be;-).  

She and Jack have a lot of fun together.  They're constantly jumping on the trampoline, playing hide and seek and building Legos together.  There's always something wonderful built when I come up at night to tuck them into bed.  

She's also the best big sister to George. He just loves her!!  At night he asks for her to put him to bed and sing to him in his crib.  It's completely off key but he loves it just the same.  We left Sadie in charge one night while we went to dinner and came home to find her reading books to George in his room.  She had brushed his teeth, put on a clean diaper and wiped his face clean from dinner.  She truly is our mini mommy around here!!

She has really excelled in piano this year.  I love listening to her play while I cook dinner.  It's the most wonderful sound to hear your little girl play beautiful classical music that she has worked so hard to learn.  

She was invited to play in this concert from a past teacher we don't take from anymore.  Our new teacher comes to our house which makes it WAY more convenient for me, with a new baby.  I found her through a Westlake music company and convinced her that if she left, I could find her her own students without having to pay Westlake the student fees.  We were both very unimpressed with the Westlake recital.  I've already hooked her up with about a dozen students.  Our recitals are going to be so fun!! So even though she has a different teacher, we thought we'd have her perform with these kids anyway, even if she already performed with Westlake a few weeks before.  

This concert was hilarious (to us).  The children there were like little korean robots that  never smile and performed absolutely PERFECTLY!!  Sadie played wonderfully as well, but you could definitely tell a difference from her and the other "groomed" children.  The teacher kept walking by to tell Sadie to uncross her legs while she was sitting in the audience!!  She asked Chase to leave because Eliza and George were too young and threatened to make too much noise during the performances.  We had to show up an hour early to get our seat adjusted perfectly and play through her songs on the foreign piano.  This teacher was NO JOKE!!  Holy moly!  At the end of the recital, she invited the children to come up to the stage for pictures.  It was the strangest moment watching all these young children stand on the stage in complete silence.  None of the parents were shouting out "Smile!"  or "look over here."  All that was heard was the quiet sound of cameras clicking and the numbing silence all around the church chapel.  It was VERY odd!!  I was happy to whisk Sadie away and laugh about it in the car.  We're glad she doesn't run around with such a serious crowd but were grateful for the eye opening experience of the "Tiger Moms" in their element!!

She has started singing along with her piano songs.  She learned "A Child's Prayer" and played it in sacrament meeting with her teacher on the flute and Chase on the cello.  It was beautiful.  At home, she plays her songs while singing totally and completely off key.  I've recorded her several times because I don't want to forget her innocent exuberance.  She doesn't care that she's singing an A minor instead of a G.  She just wants to sing!! Chase and I will be in the other room TOTALLY cracking up while we listen to her! One day she went "lounge singer" on us.  She was singing the verse (with forced vibrato I might add) "has given me an earthy home with parents kind and dear" and blurted in a little "it's true" before melodiously continuing into the chorus of "I am a Child of God."  She does the same thing almost every night when she sings to George.  He requests her "songs" every night.  They range from "America, land that I love" to other strange melodies she's learned in Kiker Keynotes.  Again, Chase and I will just chuckle as we sit downstairs on the couch listening to her sing totally out of tune. This girl is hilarious, and she doesn't even know it!!  

Because Sadie has asked for more one-on-one time, Chase and I have been consciously trying to bring back our kid "date nights."  We went to see the new Cinderella the other day. It was so fun being there with just the two of us!!  When the prince was putting the glass slipper on Cinderella's foot, Sadie grabbed my arm and excitedly said "Mom, this is the best part ever!!"  I had to agree.  We smiled throughout the whole movie.  It was the BEST!!  
She's such a fun little companion, even if she says "Mom, you're not fat, you're just chubby" after hearing me complain about all the extra baby weight that is NOT coming off.  

Look at that cute little lady!!
She's doing very well at school this year, except in math.  I think her teacher is a little bit of an overachiever.  Her spelling lists are out of this world.  Having to spell  neuroendocrinology and other words like andouille (I probably spelled these wrong:-) are some of the reasons I feel she might be pushing them a little too hard.  She's been staying after school to be tutored in math.  Hopefully it will help her get ahead for next year.  But I also think her teacher next year won't be nearly as hard.  This year has been especially challenging, but Sadie did very well with just a couple of B's and the rest A's.  

I could start a "sisters" scrapbook and have more than enough pictures to fill it.  Sadie can't get enough of Eliza and is wanting to hold her all the time.  She changes her diapers, rocks her to sleep, feeds her an occasional bottle.  She's the best big sister ever!!

She's also an amazing friend.  Avery begs to play with her every day!!  She's the life of the party I love watching her "hang" with her girlfriends.  She's started to have little crushes on the boys too.  However, she can't help but be her fun self even when she's running around with the boys.  Sometimes she'll have a play date with her long time buddy Peterson, and it's as if she's "one of the guys" when they're hanging out.  She's quite versatile and enjoys pretty much any type of activity.  

She's got all her adult teeth coming in these days and they're quite crowded.  I think they're cute but Sadie insists on smiling with her mouth closed.  She still looks adorable but I sometimes love seeing that big toothy grin.  We got a good laugh over these elementary school glamour shots!

Sadie's birthday was fantastic!!  She got her breakfast in bed which was EARLY because of school that morning.  We brought some yummy pink cookies to school and Sadie was able to show off her brand new little sister.  She has "proud big sis" written all over that face!!

Dad always requests Grandma Phyllis' angel food cake with chocolate whipped cream for his birthday.  The kids love it so much, they've started requesting it too.  I'm making these cakes ALL the time in the spring!!  You'll hear no complaining from Chase!!  In fact, you can see him "celebrating" in the reflection of the mirror!!  We are the nerdiest parents!!

CC sent Sadie a new horse place mat and the COOLEST SHIRT EVER!!
Her love of horses is still a substantial part of ALL our lives!  While driving around the highways around our neighborhood, Sadie always spots the horses and exclaims their existence with glee!!  One after noon as we were passing a barn and stable, Sadie shouted out the window "I wish all horses could be FREEEEE!!!!"
She's a wonder and I feel like the luckiest mom in the world to have her as my daughter and first born.  This girl is going places!!  I love you Sadie Lady!!  

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